Chapter 7

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Darkness. That's all I saw. Nothing in sight. Nothing in mind besides fear. Fear of the unknown. "Hello?" I called out. No sound traveled through my ears. I tried to walk but I seemed to go no where.

"You shouldn't be here..." I heard a dark voice. It sounded like it came from all directions.

"W-Who are you?" I asked, my voice shaking. I spun around, finding a pair of glowing red eyes. I jumps back and fell to the floor. It felt like I fell off my bike onto a concrete sidewalk. What...?

"Don't worry about who just am." He voice speaks again. "Just worry about what's gonna happen to you." I could hear the smirk in his tone of voice as I felt a single hand grab my throat and another against my head. My breath sped quickly along with my heart rate. "I think you'll have a fun time with this little gift I have for you."

I screamed in agony as my head felt like it got ran over by a cargo train. I reached my own hands to my head and tried to pry the persons hand away from me. I felt the grip on my throat tighten and I was gasping for air. I started having images flash past my Vision. I could see Jack and Mark, tied up against the walls of the room, all beaten up and bloody with me chained to the floor exactly like them. The room spun and I saw Anti, Dark, and... Someone that looked like me, but darker. I snapped back to what seemed like reality at the time and gasped for breath again. I could finally see who was holding me and it was Dark...

"D-Dark..?!" I half scream. "W-Wha-"

"Y/N. Dont be so scared. Everything's just fine." Dark cut me off. I could feel something flowing through my veins as Dark held my head tighter and the pain got more intense. I almost couldn't take it. I felt myself getting dizzy and Darks face started to blur. I start to fall limp in his grip. "Time for Y/D/N (Your Dark name) to finally awaken." And everything faded.
I jumped from my bed as I felt myself scream. I still couldn't hear anything till the door slammed open. It was Jack. He looked extremely worried and I crawled to the corner of my bed against the wall. I wrapped myself in a blanket and Jack hurried into the room, jumping in my bed as he hugged me tightly.

"It's okay. It's okay Y/N. I'm here. Nothing's gonna hurt you." Jack said. Just the sound of his voice was calming. I pushed my head against his chest and wrapped my arms around him. He pulled me close and soon I was sitting on his lap.

"J-Jack... A-Anti... H-He..." I stopped myself. I felt an extreme pain in my head and images of me hurting Jack flashed past my vision. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I pushed Jack away and I could tell he saw the look in my eyes.

"Y/N..? Please tell me what's going on." Jack pleaded. I could see in his eyes he was worried. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

What did we say about this N/N? I gripped my head tightly and even hit it against the wall.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled. Jack jumped back, but tried to wrap his arms around me. I pushed him away, hard. He fell off the bed and quickly stood up, looking at me with hurt filled eyes. "I don't want you here! Just fuck off already!" I felt myself saying all this and I didn't mean it. I shut my eyes tight and Jack backed away as I looked up at him.

"Y-Y/N?" He stumbled on my name. I heard myself chuckle and everything started fading. As the darkness surrounded Jack I heard myself speak.

"Sorry, but I'm taking over now." And I lost sight of Jack.

Jacks POV

My eyes widened as I saw Y/N starting to change. She had semi big gauges in her ears as her teeth grew sharp. Her K-9's grew log like Anti's and her finger nails grew into claws. Her eyes faded to black and W/C (whatever color you want) and her skin turned more pain. Her clothing was slightly ripped now and she glared at me, smirking.

"Well hi there Jacky! Haven't seen me before have ya?!" Her voice was distorted and insane. "Thank Dark for that. He helped me out and gave me life!"

I was at a loss for words. Who was this? What have they done with Y/N? "Whats wrong Jacky? Cat got your tounge?" She laughed.

"W-Who are you...?" I asked. I could feel my legs quivering underneath me.

"Oh, this is Y/D/N Jackaboy." I turned around quickly and saw Dark standing in the shadows of the room. "I thought Anti and I could use a girl friend." He chuckled. I growled in response and I heard footsteps outside Y/N's room. I turned towards the door and immediately saw a knife strait in my face with Y/D/N at the other end.

"Sorry Jacky, but you aren't leaving till our playdate's over." Y/D/N came closer and I backed up to the wall, trying to keep the knife as far from me as possible. She took it down, out of my sight until I felt a sharp pain in my abdomin. I yelped and coughed as I looked down and saw Y/D/N's hand shoved deep into my stomach. The knife was stuck in the wall at this point and I looked back up at Y/D/N and I knew she had more planned for me.

"Y-Y/N please... I know you're in there..." I spoke sadly. Y/D/N just growled and ripped the knife and her hand from my abs. Blood started pooring faster than it already was. I coughed more and fell to the ground. I looked back up at her and she was smiling insanely. I could see the black in one of her eyes fade. She was fighting back. I smiled and tried to cheer her on but i felt something push my body to the floor. I tried pushing myself up but someone stepped on my back and help me down. A hand came down and held my head up so my neck was completely exposed.

"Finish him Y/D/N." Dark said from above me. I moved my eyes and saw her with a bigger, sharper knife. Oh no...

"Y-Y/N please... Please fight back!.." I pleaded. She came closer and the knife was too close to my throat at this point. Dark was holding my head by my hair and the knife was almost piercing my skin before it dropped. I looked at Y/D/N and saw the E/C and black in their eyes. The two were fighting each other.

"Y/D/N! If you don't get over her and finish him I'm going to enjoy taking your job!" Dark growled visiously. I caught a glimps of Y/N's E/C eyes as they closed. she walked towards me and grabbed the knife. I felt myself getting dizzy but I still watched. I was about to accept fate when her eyes opened and the knife went flying at Dark. It jabbed in his shoulder and he screamed before disappearing.

"He's such a whimp." I heard. Y/N was back for now. And I was so happy but I could feel myself loosing consciousness. "Shit Jack!" I heard her hit her knees to the floor and everything was fading quickly.

"I can't lose you Jack... I love you..."

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