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        Chapter I                         


        The round, soft brush sweeps each of my cheeks, providing them with a pink tinge. My mother believes the blush displays a more peaceful and cheerful look. Her concentration is quite nice because she enjoys making my sister and I look presentable. I twiddle my thumbs out of anxiety as my mind wonders about the events that will take place today.

        Today, I take the aptitude test. The test that will determine which of the five factions—Abnegation, Amity, Erudite, Dauntless, or Candor— I'm destined to join. The founders of our dystopian society divided us into five factions as they believed it would create enduring peace. Over a hundred years ago, a war took place in the heart of our city because of impurities in the aboriginal system. Each faction is dedicated to their own distinct virtue and each member does their best to serve their faction and accommodate the cherished trait the faction values.

        The Abnegation blame selfishness hence they cherish selflessness. They wear baggy, gray clothing that covers almost all of their skin. They try their hardest to attract the least amount of attention to themselves as possible. Instead of focusing on personal thoughts, they work to improve the public good. The members even have a limited time to look in the mirror. The other factions nickname them the "Stiffs". Abnegation is the city's governing faction.

        Candor blame dishonesty therefore they value truth and honesty. But they're really just a bunch of the douchiest douches you'll ever met. They say whatever comes to their minds regardless the insincerity. Truth and dishonesty are seen as black and white, so the members wear those two colors only.  Members of the other factions do best to avoid them. Candor's role is to interpret the laws of the individual factions and the society.

        The Erudite blame foolishness, so they value intelligence. Members of this faction seem to have this thirst for knowledge that is never quenched. They know everything. Many of the city's scientists and medical workers are from Erudite. They wear electric blue business attire since its proven that blue produces a calm and focused mind that's prepared to find clarity and intake knowledge. To me they're just a faction of nerds who swallow textbooks all day. Erudite work with Dauntless to manufacture simulation and technology and with Amity to make the food production more effective.

        Then there's Dauntless who blame cowardice so they favor bravery. They wear all black clothing and almost the entire faction has tattoos and piercings. I admit they are pretty crazy and act like total idiots, but there's a certain beauty in their recklessness that draws me to them.  They're the city's soldiers--our police--and most of them guard the fence that's wrapped around the city protecting it from who knows what. Dauntless rowdiness and impulsiveness is the reason Amity--my faction--aren't very fond of them.

        Amity blames hostility and cruelty therefore we value kindness. We wear red and yellow as those are the colors most associated with joy. You could classify us as the 'hippies' of the society. We are responsible for the city's food production and water supply. At the end of the day, we celebrate a hard days' work in large groups while members play music and peaceful conversations drift about in the room.

        In this society, once a student becomes sixteen they are administered a test to aid them in their choosing of a faction. Though, it's the student's choice at the Choosing Ceremony that matters most and determines their future. Part of me is eager for my result be a faction that will direct me toward my own independent path far from Amity, but the other part is apprehensive at the thought of abandoning my family and the comfort of this faction. I mean this is the faction that I grew up in. This is the faction that taught me that peaceful dialogue is the best way to resolve conflicts. This is home--for now.

Hidden Truth [A Divergent Fanfiction] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now