And He Left Her In the Rain Screaming Why? Chapter One

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Chapter One

Kelsey's PoV

That was months ago...

Things have changed for me in the last nine months. One, I've learned the secret about La Push's 'gang'. It wasn't a gang or cult; it was a pack, and yes, like wolves. The group, Sam, Jared, Paul, Embry, and I, are a group of kids' descendents of wolves... well that's what the legend says, and I believe it. I mean, how else am I supposed to explain why I can change into a black wolf with some spots of white? The guys say it makes me look old.

The first month I changed, I stayed with Emily and Sam. Emily had always been one of my closest friends, so my parents didn't worry too much about me. They just believed I decided to stay with her because of my break up... they were half right.

I believe that I only changed because of my break up with Jacob. I didn't show any of the common fever that the rest got before phasing the first time. No, mine with triggered because of my tidal amount of emotions. At first I hated it. One, because I was no longer able to have children... or at least until I could control my phasing. Two, because I lost Jacob to a leech loving girl. But know I didn't care that much.

Other things that happened the first month were that I lost my virginity. Sure I dated Jacob for two years, but I could never could get myself to give it up. But because of my little depression, think that if I didn't give up my virginity to someone, I would always be alone.

At the time it made since, so I slept with Paul. I can't say that I regretted it; I knew Paul was more than willing. Most of the boys in La Push had at least one wet dream or a fantasy about me. I slept with him a few times after that, but that all changed the first time I went out as a human going to school.

I had instantly imprinted on a boy. I was only looking at him, to see if he was bad as me, looking paler than he should, or if he bags under his eyes, or maybe even that he lost weight. But he didn't look like me, haggard and sad... well he did look sad, but I wasn't sure if it was about me.

Jacob Black. I loved him once, and now I imprint on him. I wouldn't ever be able to stop loving him; I would always be tied to him.

Unlike Jared and Sam, who started relationships with their imprints, I just stayed away. He broke up with me, he didn't deserve me again. I wasn't easily going to give him a second chance. He had to be the first one to make a move.

This would also apply when he phased. And it was going to happen sooner or later, and I wasn't that happy about it. Maybe if you went deep enough, you would finally find a part of me that wanted him to phase and imprint on me like I imprinted on him. It was going to happen, imprint were our soul mates, it went both ways, it was just never as strong of an emotion to the human like it was to us.

Sure it was agony, and with each day it increases, but remembering the breakup, I don't give in. I almost did it a few times, especially when Bella got hurt by a leech in Phoenix, he was a mess. Sam and Jared called me stupid, the only person that stood up for me was Paul, and I love him... but only as a best friend. Sure I randomly hook up with him sometimes, but it always feels like I'm cheating on Jacob, which is really getting my nerves.

I should be able to live my life like I wanted, not be stuck in La Push for the rest of my werewolf life, before this change, I was going to be a photographer for National Geographic, or some other nature and earth related famous magazines. I had to say goodbye to my dreams... until I could stop phasing. And I don't really think it's going to be anytime soon. My temper competes with Paul's. It's nasty and vicious, but totally helpful in battle.

Then about five months ago the Cullens left. The pack and I celebrated this event, but I quickly sobered up about a month ago, when I learned Bella was spending time with Jacob. I knew that soon I would be next to him, trying to fix him up after he learns that he's the rebound.

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