And He Left Her In the Rain Screaming Why? Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Jacob's PoV

I wanted more than anything than to join Kelsey as she and Embry splashed each other with water as they chased each other, I could hear Kelsey begging Embry to stop.

I was my way to pick Bella and Mike Newton for the movie in Port Angeles, and I when I looked out the window and to the beach, I saw those two.

The beach was my favorite place in the world. Kelsey and I have so many memories on that beach. But now, after what I saw, I absolutely hated the beach. I don't think I'll ever be able to go there without thinking what I just saw.

It was supposed to be me that Kelsey would splash and chase around the beach. Not my ex-best friend and my ex-girlfriend, the girl I love.

I drove, thinking about of Kelsey and some of our best memories.

When I arrived to Bella's, I see her and Mike waiting outside, waiting for me. I muster a smile, which Bella sees as a real smile. It's pathetic; Kelsey would know that this smile is fake. No one knows me like Kelsey, Bella might think she does.

"Hey Bella, hi Mike," I say to them as Bella goes on boasting about how I rebuilt this car all by myself. It was annoying really; I think Mike will agree with me as his face is frustrated.

The drive was relatively quiet; we had a few conversations, but nothing stuck.

Oh why, oh why, did I say okay to this movie?

When we got to the movie, I was glad. Now I could spend the next hour or two not having to listen to these two talk about crap. I drop the two off, asking them to get the tickets as I find a parking spot.

I seriously had the thought to just drive home without them, but that was meaner than I could ever do. Even if I did, I would be extremely guilty before I left Port Angeles.

When I got back, the two were bickering about how the movie is rated R and that I wasn't yet eighteen, yet Bella says that I'm old enough looking.

Which is true, recently I've grown several inches in the last two months alone. It's kinda freaky.

When we watched the gruesome movie, I grabbed Bella's hand to sooth her down... Or maybe trying to convince myself again that we will one day be together and that I didn't dump Kelsey for any reason I could think of.

I look over to see if Bella is really okay with this movie. She looks engrossed in the movie, while Mike looks a little green. Wimp couldn't even watch the movie without getting sick.

"Oh god," he whimpered before rushing out of the theater. Well there goes any chance of finishing the movie.

"Bella, I think we should check Mike." I tell her as I stand up, bringing her up with me and we slowly walked to the bathroom.

We sat down on one of the benches next to the bathrooms as we waited for Mike to finishing upchucking so we could go home.

"He's a wimp," I say to Bella as we hear sounds coming from the bathroom.

"That's mean; I think he's gotten the stomach flu that everyone else has." She honestly says. Wow, she doesn't even have a good sense of humor.

Another reason Kelsey is better.

We lapse in a silence. I had come to conclusions if that I tell Bella I like her, then one day I could convince myself the same and finally get over Kelsey.

"Do you still like Cullen?" I ask, knowing that it was a sore subject, but I needed a way to get into this conversation.

Bella winces and replies. "Yeah, I still love him..." A dreamy face appears on her face.

"Look Bella, I like you a lot." I start. "I know that the bastard really hurt you. And this past month you've gotten better." I sigh. "What I'm saying is that I'll wait for you to get even better, and that we could start something." I tell her, grabbing her hands.

I think I should become an actor.

"Really?" Bella asks. "Do you mean that? That you'll wait for me?"

"Yes Bella, I do really mean that." I push some hair out her face and lean in and gave her a small kiss.

It wasn't even close to the same as Kelsey's. As I pull back, I see Bella looking happy. I'm pretty sure Chief Swan is going to be happy now. Crap, when I do end up begging for Kelsey to take me back, he's going to shoot me.

Something tells me that I'm going to break my promises Bella thinks are true, also with the feeling that something big was going to happen.

Something that's going to change my life.

And I can't tell if it's good or bad...

I hear more retching sounds coming from the bathroom.

"I'm going to check on Newton." I say as I stand up and walk away. It wasn't really hard to find him. Just follow the sounds of a puking boy and you find him.

"You okay?" I ask.

"What do you think?" He states sarcastically. I'm surprised he even had the strength to be sarcastic anymore.

"Fine," I say, putting my hands up defensively. "I was just making sure you're okay." I then walk back out to Bella.

"Is Mike okay?" Bella asks her voice small and unconfident. I missed Kelsey's voice now. Kelsey's voice was loud and clear... and I could probably make a huge list of why I like Kelsey's voice better than Bella's.

I sound totally weird, and I know it. I mean voice? Why would I compare voices?

"He's fine, but being an asshole," Bella visibly winces at my cursing. God... "I'm going to go ask one of the people working here if they have something he can throw up in the car."

"Yeah," she whispers. I wonder if there is ever a time that she doesn't whisper her answers... probably not...

I walk over to the snack counter, not really sure who to ask, and what I should ask for. I mean I could go and say, 'Hey miss, do you have any bucket type thing I can use for my puking friend?' I think I would totally freak them out.

But it's my only idea of right now.

I walk over to the counter where a blonde chick is playing with her nails, obviously bored.

"Hey," I say to her and she instantly stops playing with her nails, straightening her posture before looking up at me. She gawks to me, which has been happening to me a lot lately from girls. It has to do with insane growth spurt, both height and muscles.

"Hi," the girl says flirtatiously batting her eye lashes... I'm not interested in her at all.

"Yeah, do you have a bucket so my friend can puke in it?" This time its okay to be blunt, the girl is not worth being polite to.

"Here," she all but pushes a couple popcorn buckets at me. "Have them; just make sure he doesn't puke on the floor." I laugh internally; I'm guessing if Mike does, she's going to have to clean it up.

"Thanks," I tell her as I walk away. When I get back to Bella, Mike is standing next to her, looking deathly pale.

"Can we go now?" Mike groans.

"Yup," I pop the 'p' and gave Mike the buckets. "Make sure you don't puke in my car."

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