Chapter 4:The Roommate

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I stepped into the room and was greeted by the strongest smell of weed I had ever encountered in my life. It was so strong it almost knocked me off my feet. "What the heck, I I began to choke on the smell. "What's your problem? " I looked up from my coughing fit to see this tall and robust girl wearing pigtails, overalls, and black converse.  "That smell is strong! " "okay, and what's your point? "She said through gritted teeth. "Nothing, must be Bianca." "Yeah, that's right who are you?" "I'm Faith, your new roommate.""Faith, what kind of stupid name is that.  Oh, you must have been sent from heaven right?" At this point my blood was boiling and I was already sick and tired of this disrespectful girl.  "I'm going to get my stuff." As I walked out the door.  "Yeah you do that." She said with the nastiest smirk.  I walked into the hallway and quickly closed the door behind me.  I coughed a few times before I headed down the hallway to find my way back to my car.  After getting turned around several times I finally made my way back outside. Instead of gathering my things to take back to my room I decided to sit in my car and get some fresh air.  I sat in the drivers seat with one leg hanging outside the drivers door. What was that girls problem?  I thought to myself.  If she's going to be like this all semester I'm really not sure I'm going to be able to tolerate her for long.  The sky started to darken and I decided that it was time to finally face my roommate so I gathered my essential belongings and decided I would get the rest in the morning.  I dragged my feet back inside and down the hall and up the stairs to my room.  Before I made it all the way there I ran into Joey.  "There you are! I've been looking all over for you, but I see you figured it out. " "yes, I found it. " "good, good" "yeah.. So I met my roommate she's a keeper. I said in my most sarcastic tone." "Yeah she's something alright." "If you have any trouble with her, just let me know. She's already on roommate probation. " "Roommate probation what's that? " "JOEY! " I heard another student call out.  "Ahh ill explain it to you another time." "Oh yeah here is you room key." "Thanks,I took it from her and she walked away to address the other student.I entered my room and Bianca appeared to be sleeping. Thank goodness I thought to myself. I wasnt in the mood for round two with her. "About time you got back!" "Look i feel like we got off on the wrong foot,I said." "It doesnt matter,just leave me alone." "Alright then." I walked back to my side of the room and started putting my sheets on the bed. I plugged in my charger so I could charge my phone since the GPS had drained most of my battery. I had a few text messages from my friend Iisha. I decided to settle into bed and text her back. I told her all about my drive,how nonstop busy NY seemed to be and about my rude and disrespectful roommate. She told me i should have smacked her.I sent her an LOL and said probably. Before long  I started to feel tired and decided to end our convo but told her I would talk to her tomorrow.I rolled over on my side so that I was facing Bianca,I looked over and could have swore I saw her staring at me through the dark. I shrugged it off and nodded off to sleep.

Authors note: I know I know guys... You're looking for the juicy stuff.  If I get six votes on this chapter I'll post the next two chapters where Faith meets a new friend. 😁😁

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