chapter 4 - is this really happening!?

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As I continued to take small sips of the ice cold water I tried to remember what had actually happened. It was obvious that I had fainted or somethig because why else would I have been carried into Bon Jovis tour bus!? As hard as I tried I couldn't pinpoint anything before waking up. I glanced to my left and saw that gorgeous face, he was still looking concerned. "So d'ya remember your name?" He said with a hint of sarcasm. I responded with a questioning "Blair?...". He scoffed "don't ask me, I don't know" he was clearly teasing me. I gave him a half hearted smile - I was still a bit disoriented - and as I did I heard loud clambering foot steps and faint giggling coming from outside. Before I had a second to wonder who it was I heard a loud "oh jonny boooooyy". The foot steps grew louder and louder until standing infront of me was 4 tall, slim figures with frizzy, big hair ....

Could it be...

One of them crouched down beside Jon and said "another fainter huh?" He sniggered at his own joke, but Jons eyes didn't leave my gaze. He made a shooing gesture towards the figure, who I had reaslied must have been Richie, who then threw his hands up and said "ok ok I won't interrupt" he walked away still giggling at his comedic genious. The others - who must have been David, Tico and Alec - followed suit and left me and Jon.

I slowly sat upright, Jon shuffled on his knees and placed his hands gently on my shoulders to stop me from falling again. I couldn't help but blush. How could i be any other colour than crimson when the hottest man alive was arms length away from me, gazing into my soul with his baby blues.

The bus was silent for what seemed like forever. I was just beggining to notice the sent of beer and cigarette smoke, which didn't really help with my inherent nausea, but I didn't care. I glanced around the bus trying desperately to remember what the hell had happened. I finally looked back at Jon and said "how did I get here?" The corners of his mouth curled up, giving him that adorable smirk. "I told ya, my body guard brought. .." I interupted "I know that but...what....what happened" his smile slowly faded and that concerned look along with his puppy dog eyes returned. "Hmmm, maybe we should take you to a hospital" the horrible thought of not being around Jon surged through my body "NO!" I said a bit too enthusiastically. He looked shocked and slightly scared at my strong response. "I just need you to explain to me what happened at the concert" the last thing I could remember was Beth staying over *OMG BETH!* I had completely fogotten about my best friend. How could I leave her like this. Im the worst best friend ever.

Just as I was coming to terms with the fact my best friend would hate me forever I heard that heavenly husky New Jersey accent say "oh don't worry about your friend by the way, we made sure she got home safe". Whilst I was glad she was ok I started to wonder why they sent her home but brought me on the bus.

"Anyway" Jon said abruptly "you hit your head on the metal barrier during livin on a prayer and then passed out" *so that's what happened*. We continued to discuss what had happened for while. Although I missed half the conversation as I was too busy being entranced by his golden locks, perfect skin and flawless smile. A deep mumbling voice came from the front of the bus said "alright boys we leave in 5". I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach . I finally meet my idol and now I have ti leave him forever. Before I could stop it, a tear fell down my cheek. "Hey hey don't do that darlin" Jon said in the softest voice as he wiped the rogue tear from my face. Our faces where so close. I could feel his warm breaths on my skin like kisses from an angel. Once my tear was gone i was expecting him to take away his hand but he did the complete opposite. He lifted his other hand and cupped my face. He leaned in *OMFG* , pulled my face closer and kissed me on the forehead "you'll be ok kid" he said in a voice as sweet as candy floss. I couldn't believe what just happend. THE Jon Bon Jovi just kissed me! Albeit on the forehead but still. I felt every emotion at once and I swear for a second I stopped breathing.

"Listen" he continued "maybe you don't have to go just yet" WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING!?!?!?! "I know it sounds stupid but I can't help but think you where supposed to end up here" as he said this he looked really shy. He placed his hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it as if he was really nervous about what he was saying. For the millionth time today I was speechless...

I know this chapters been a bit long but trust me they will get better. Please continue reading to find out what happens

B x

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