chapter 6 - broken

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Jons POV

"What the fuck Richie!?" I screamed at the tipsy guitarist standing infront of me, still giggling away at what he said to Blair and her mum. "Lighten up it was just a joke man" he retorted as he threw his hands up in disregard. I couldn't believe that she wasn't aloud to stay with us, even for a little while. I was sure her mum was gonna be ok with it....I guess I was wrong. If only Richie hadnt made that stupid joke maybe she would still be here. I don't know what it was about her but, as soon as I saw her in that crowd I felt a spark. A sudden connection, and an urge to find out more about her. She was truelly breath taking. Her dark brown eyes looked so thoughtful and innocent. Her hair was soft to the touch and smelt like roses. There was still so much I had to learn about her. But now I guess I'll never know.

Blair's POV

As my mum dragged me to the car, which was parked hap hazardly across several parking spaces, I was so distraught at how my mum had behaved towards my idols that I couldn't even cry. On the inside I was screaming *let me go! You can't control me!* but I knew that wasn't true. My mum had always dictated what I did. Even though I would be leaving school in a week she still wouldn't let me make any of my own decisions.

We got in the car and my dad was sitting in the front passenger seat. He didn't even akcnoledge me. * I don't even get a hey, hows your head hunny!?* i was so confused at why they where so angry with me, I mean it's not like I did anything wrong. I couldn't help that I hit my head. I couldn't help that a kind man wanted to make sure I was ok and take care of me...

Just as I thought of Jon I had a sudden pain in my chest. My heart actually ached, I didn't want to be here with my parents. I wanted to be with him and Richie and all the others. They where all so nice to me - a complete stranger - which was a nice change from my home life.

I know that my parents are getting a divorce, they havnt told me or anything but they make it as obvious as a flying brick. Speaking of, they were arguing right now. Something about how my mum doesn't support him and he doesn't love her anymore. Idk. You'd think I would be hurt by the prospect of a broken family but with the way they had been treating me I wasn't.

I don't want to go into details but let's just say when they where angry, they would take it out on me....I was basically there personal punching bag and they treated me accordingly.

As I sat in the back of the car I rubbed my arm where my mum had grabbed me. It hurt so much that I wanted to cry. But I knew that would only make them more mad. I sat silently in the vehicle as my parents continued to scream at one another. "You never even cared about me did you!?" My mum screamed at him, taking her eyes off the road as she did. I hated it whenever they argued but I double hated it when they where driving at the same time. It's like all health and safety went out the window. The car swerved slightly and I clenched the side of my seat as I tried to stay calm about the reckless driving.

The shouting got louder and louder and my mum's driving got more and more dangerous. It was pitch black out, and raining - No surprises there huh - I closed my eyes and hummed "never say goodbye" to try and distract myself. I could feel my entire body was tense. Every muscle was engaged and I was more terrified then i had ever been in my life. The humming wasn't helping at all.

I opened my eyes, I couldn't take the yelling any more. "WOULD YOU TWO STO-"


Well well...
The plot thickens huh?
Stay tuned for what happens next.

B x

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