8: My Home Village Part2

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Meanwhile, on the other side of the island in a small cottage...

"What do you think that rumbling was, Asagao?"
"How would I know? It probably just some stupid people thinking they can intrude our turf. I swear I will-"
"Now now, Asagao! Remember to keep your cool."
"Go away, Sakura!"
"Hmph! I'm going to check out what it was!"
"Stuck up little-- Fine, fine! I'm coming too!"

And back to Law and yourself...


You felt so warm, Yet...


But you still didn't want to open your eyes. Something just felt right.

You were reluctant to, but you opened your eyes.
You felt your head rising up and down on something, like a... no, it couldn't be a..
You look up and, as you expected, your head was lying on Laws chest under a cloak of cold white snow.

You start freaking out and unbury yourself from the mound of white.
Blushing, you run out of the way.

'WHAT WAS THAT?! I WAS... What on earth happened?!! And why did that feel so right? And why am I blushing?!'

"Law! You scared me."
"Sorry. Have you any idea where Bepo, Penguin, Shachi and the others are?"
"Nope, sorry Captain. I just woke up a minute ago."
"We should look for them. We probably got split up during the avalanche, so it's most likely they're buried under the snow somewhere far away from here."
"Yeah. Let's go east first."

So you do. You go east into the forest.

While on your way through the white and green forest, you and law both realise you hadn't seen a single living thing, person nor animal.

After a while of walking in silence, Law speaks up.
"We should split up. I'll go that way you go that way." He said, signalling with his hands. "We'll find them much faster."
You turned around and looked out into the horizon. "I don't think it's such a good idea. I men, how will we find each other again? It's basically all snow..." You turn around and find that there's no one there. "...here... THAT IDIOT!!!"

You turn to side again and start walking, face palming and sweat dropping, as usual. "He's just like Luffy..."

"Wait... Who's luffy?"

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