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It was 8 in the morning when a certain brown haired teenager turned off the alarm he set for that day.Yawning as he fluttered his eyes open,he was greeted with a very dark room.Anyone would think that it was still night once you're inside his room.

Slowly stretching his limbs,he let out a sleepy moan and grabbed his glasses that was on top of his laptop that was placed on his drawer.

Opening his curtains,he was greeted by a very bright light that led him to closing his curtains back in the speed of light.

Grabbing his phone,it was already 8:25 a.m and he still had two hours to get ready before meeting Yuto a.k.a "Baeb".
He and Yuto had been friends since they were in first grade alongside with Seokmin,Inseong,Minki and Minghao,who was a transfer student at that time.An hour later on their first day of school,they instantly clicked even though they had very opposite personalities.

Wonwoo and Yuto were the quiet type in their group,but once they had something to talk about they won't stop talking until the end.
Meanwhile,Seokmin,Minghao, Minki and Inseong were the opposites of Yuto and Wonwoo;they were extremely loud and playful.

The four of them were not new at standing at the back of the class with their hands up and if you were used to that stuff you'll now why the teacher is always calling out on the four.

But,let's go back on the event that would be happening today.

Wonwoo being Wonwoo,he decided to wear a pair of black tattered skinny jeans that he matched with a plain white shirt and a pair of black vans.
Thinking he looked good,he decided to go out for some "fresh air".There he stood,inhaling the not so fresh air.
Checking his phone one last time,it was already 9:30 a.m.Who knew time passed by so fast?well,Wonwoo knew.

Placing his phone back on his pocket he went back inside to his apartment when a someone grabbed his wrist before he could turn his back on that certain "someone".

He turned around to meet the certain "someone" when he realized it was

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