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"Hey Mingyu~ I know we've had our differences in our relationship,but I know deep inside my heart that we love each other dearly and i just wanted to sayーJISOOS WHAT THE FUCK!?" Wonwoo said as he heard a loud crash in his kitchen.

He hurriedly ran down his kitchen to see his boyfriend looking at him with a sheepish smile and a broken glass on the floor.

"Mingyu?what the fuck are you doing in my kitchen,wait...in my HOUSE!? what the fuck are you doing in my house!?" the taller male's lover screamed.

"babe,chill~i was gonna surprise you by cooking you something,but i may have accidentally knocked over your glass,but at least I'm fine right?" Mingyu said in a very trying-to-convince-my-boyfriend voice.

"idiot" was all Wonwoo muttered and bent over to pick the broken pieces of glass scattered on his kitchen floor.
"you didn't have to surprise me...you know that?" Wonwoo said as he finally picked up the last piece of broken glass and threw them all into the trash can at the corner of his kitchen.

"yeah,but i just wanted to you know...it felt as if we were starting to become distant because of our work and stuff,so i decided to surprise you,but this happened" Mingyu said as he gave his lover a back hug and peck on the back of of his lover's neck.

"I missed you, Wonwoo...every inch of you...I missed you." Mingyu said as he spun Wonwoo around to face him and gave his lover a quick yet passionate kiss on the lips.

"Me,too...i missed you, too, Mingyu...very much" Wonwoo said as he looked into Mingyu's eyes and smiled.

"okay...now let's cook some food...i'm kinda hungry right now" Wonwoo said as he let go of the physical contact they both had and grabbed some pans and other kitchen materials needed to cook a very heavy meal.

"I'll just tell him tomorrow" Wonwoo said in his thoughts and started cooking.


The couple was finally done eating and were done cleaning the dishes.

"Okay, now that we're done with washing the dishes...let's watch a movie okay?" Mingyu said to Wonwoo.

"Okay." Wonwoo replied.

"what should we watch?The Conjuring?Wishing Stairs? A Silent Voice?" Wonwoo asked curiously.

"hmmm...anything that you prefer babe." Mingyu said as he stood up to get some cookies in the kitchen.

"arasseo~" wonwoo replied and grabbed a CD from his organized CD case.

"so...what did you get?" Mingyu said as he bit a cookie and sat down on the couch with Wonwoo.

"Is it okay if it's A Silent Voice?" Wonwoo asked the younger.

"sure,i never saw that movie anyway..." Mingyu said as he and wonwoo cuddled closer as the movie began.


The movie had finally ended. While the credits were on the screen the lovely couple cried, not being able to move on from the ending.

"I know I sound ridiculous,but the ending still makes me cry..." Wonwoo said as he wiped his tears away.
"me,too...i'm glad that you chose that movie." Mingyu said as he also wiped some leftover tears that still kept on falling
from his eyes.

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