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ー"Mingyu?" Wonwoo said as he finally saw their face.

"yeah,it's me..." the taller said that matched with a sheepish laugh.
"sorry if I scared you or something" he said as he put his hand on top of the back of  his neck.

"it's no worries really...I'm just glad that it was you, not some crazy ass lunatic" Wonwoo jokingly said,but in reality he was really glad to see Mingyu.

"wanna go inside for a cup of morning coffee?"  the older suggested to the younger.
"sure,i'd love to since it's from my Wonwoo..." Mingyu said as he grabbed Wonwoo's arm and excitedly ran to his soon-to-be-lover's apartment. With an excited attitude both of them were already inside the older's humble abode.

Then there was the picture that Mingyu has been imagining everyday, Wonwoo cooking for him.

The older thought that coffee wasn't enough so he decided to make Mingyu a full-course breakfast made with love.

as he was cooking,he felt a pair of arms holding him as he cooked breakfast for the younger, cliché right? but to Wonwoo and Mingyu it was everything that they imagined.

"hey Wonwoo?"



"wait a minute...I have something to say to you,too"

"okay,we'll say it together and hopefully it's the same words I'm gonna say..." but sadly the older didn't catch what the younger said in the end of his sentence.

"Okay in 3...2...1!"

"I love you!"
"I love you!"

They both said in the exact time.

"wait,you love me?" the younger asked the older.

Hearing that question, the older shyly nodded and buried his face on the younger's chest.

"I love you,Mingyu" the older shyly said as he pulled his head away from his lover' chest.

"I love you,too Wonwoo" the taller man said as he pulled the older's chin to face him and you all now the rest, they kissed passionately, it was a kiss filled with love and sincerity.

And guess what? the food Wonwoo was making burned, so they both decided to just drink morning coffee and toast,that much more easy than whipping up a full-course breakfast.

An hour later, they were found sleeping cozily in each other's arms by Yuto the moment opened the door to Wonwoo's apartment.

Instead of waking them up, he decided to just leave his luggage at Wonwoo's guest room quietly and went back to the door to leave,but before he left he couldn't resist the urge to take a few photos of the new couple sleeping together.

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