Chapter 6: Importance of watching the news

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"What?!" I exclaimed, shocked.

You would be probably thinking, why I'm shocked. Let's take a few minutes to rewind.

After John had left and I finished sulking in a corner, I went to the living room to watch some television and clear my mind, but to my surprise, my parents were still there.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, sitting on the chair.

"We came to talk to you, Gracie. It's about your marriage." Dad clarified.

I rolled my eyes. Of course it is. Why would they be here if it wasn't that. All they wanted was for me to get married even if I wasn't happy so they could hold their grandkids. They never cared for me without talking on the issue of marriage.

"What about it?" I asked with a monotone voice. I need to stay calm.

Mom spoke up, "We know you aren't happy about this arrangement but you have to consider us too."

I wanted to scream at her. To tell her that the world doesn't revolve around them. To show her that I'm not ready for any of this. But I restrained myself. I had to do it for her. I knew we didn't have money for the treatment but they could've told me and I would find other jobs to add to what I've been earning. We could survive like that.

She continued, "I'm sick, Gracie. The doctor said I have cancer. But it's treatable, all we need to do is get money for it and we would start immediately."

"When did you find out? About your sickness?" I inquired. It shouldn't be that long.

She hesitated for a moment, "About three months ago."

My eyes went wide, "Three months! You had cancer for three months and you didn't say anything about it!" I exclaimed.

"We were planning to tell you but we saw how busy you were and decided against it." Her eyes were pleading for me to understand but I couldn't.

Family is family. Whatever predicament anyone is in, the other members must know. You can't just leave someone in the dark and expect them to understand after telling them when it's too late. It isn't done like that. It shows you don't have a strong connection with that person and it shouldn't be. Family is supposed to stick up for each other in time of need. It is a sign of trust, an important factor that is meant to be common.

Not this.

"Even so, you could have told me. We're family, aren't we? How could you leave me in the dark like that and then seek help from a total stranger. To even go to the point of putting me on for sale, your own daughter."

Tears were evident in her eyes, close to sobbing. Dad brought her close to him and said words to ease her. He then looked at me.

"Gracie," He sighed frustratingly, "You shouldn't let your mom be stressed out. She's a very emotional woman and you know it. She doesn't need this and doesn't deserve what is happening to her right now. We know it hard on you and we've said before that we love you."

I scoffed, "Doubt it."

"I'm serious. Would you just listen for a second!" He shouted.

I stared at him, shocked. He never shouted, he always had this calm demeanor and aura emanating from him. Depending on the situation, he takes things easy.

I decided to keep shut. I shouldn't get him angry.

When he saw I had obliged, he sighed and continued, "John is a very respectable man. He's hardworking and very serious with his business. I'm sure you don't know who he is."

I shook my head.

He smiled slightly, "Of course you don't. You never listen to the news. That'll have to change." He muttered.

I rolled my eyes but kept shut.

"Gracie, John Harsh is not that man's real name."

I furrowed my eyebrows. What is he talking about?

"I don't understand." I admitted.

He chuckled, "John Harsh is really Dale Clinton. Heir to the Clinton's company."

"What?!" I exclaimed shocked. Sure I wasn't one to listen to news, but I've seen his face on billboards and advertisements. I couldn't believe it's really him. I knew he looked familiar. But why did he have to change his name? I don't get it.

"Shh, quiet down. Your mom is resting!" He hissed, glancing at mom when she turned.

"Well, what do you expect after what you told me?!" I whisper-yelled.

He rolled his eyes, "It's your fault you didn't recognize him. You always forget people easily. You have a short term memory."

I gasped, "I do not!" I defended, "Besides, it isn't my fault they make news boring. That's why I don't watch them."

He gave me a look, "You're a grown woman, Gracie. That's what grown ups watch."

"Boring." I drawled out.

He shook his head at me, "Anyways, now that you know you're getting married to a billionaire, I expect nothing less from you. Don't forget he's paying the bills around here and never, and I mean never do anything to annoy him." He gave me a pointed look.

I raised my hands in mock surrender, "Okay, geez. It's not going to be my fault if he pushes the bitch button on me."

He stared long and hard at me making me sigh in defeat, "Fine. I won't do anything to anger him."

He smiled in contentment, "Good. Now I'm going to take your mom to your room and lay next to her." He stood up and carried mom, bridal style.

I gasped, remembering what happened, "No funny business, dad!" I shouted out to him.

He stopped and turned to me, a look of innocence consuming his face, "I don't know what you're talking about."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Don't play the innocence card with me Dad. Mom confessed everything."

He chuckled nervously, "Busted. Okay, I won't........too much." He muttered the last part and made a dash for the room.

I gaped at his retreating form, "I heard that! Don't dare do it dad or you and mom would be banned from entering my room!"

No answer.

He wouldn't dare!

"I'm serious!" I shouted.

No answer.

He's going to do it. I know what he can do and in this case, he'll do it.

Now, I would have to change the bed sheet, twice! My parents can be so gross sometimes.

I smiled. My family wasn't all that bad.


Annnnnnd scene!!! Kidding! Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for the late update, I'm still experiencing the writers block. Hope it's a good chapter.

Anyways, please vote and comment what you think. I love hearing from you guys. Don't be a silent reader and Revoment my butterterians! :D

Peace and peanut butter,


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