Chapter 10: I knew I should've stayed home to order pizza

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"Dean!!" I literally screamed on top of my voice to no one in particular as soon as I saw my fridge empty...again.

I paced around the kitchen, taking deep breaths and trying to calm down.

I just came back from a very almost nine hours of work without eating anything and entered my kitchen to grab something to eat, only to find it as it is now.

Snatching my purse from the counter, I exited my apartment and went straight to a nearby restaurant.

The bell tingled, signaling my arrival and I headed to an empty seat. Plopping down, I retrieved my phone out of my pocket contemplating on giving a lecture to Dean. Deciding against it, I put it back to its original place and opened the menu in front of me.

"Gracie?" A deep gentle voice called. Looking up, I spotted Jake grinning at me, two seats in front. He got up, taking his drink with him and sat down next to me.

"Fancy meeting you here," He imitated a British accent, taking a sip of his drink.

I smiled, nudging him in his sides, "You're silly. And that accent is terrible. Don't ever do it again."

He chuckled, "My whole life has been a lie!"

I turned to him to make a remark but my breath immediately hitched seeing how dangerously close we were. His eyes twinkled adoringly as his gaze shifted to my lips.

Subconsciously, my gaze also travelled to his full pink lips. The distance between us began to close and I felt myself slowly close my eyes.

His lips grazed mine a little and fireworks erupted inside me. Finally, our lips met moving in sync as we kissed. His hands went around my waist, bringing me closer to him. I gasped at this to which he took as an opportunity to let his tongue explore my mouth hungrily.

My hands immediately went around his neck, digging my hands into the back of his hair. A low, raspy moan escaped the back of his throat, as he kissed me harder.

A part of me was screaming at me to stop, the other part felt guilty, while the last one was screaming in excitement. Dean's look of disappointment, shock, and hurt flashed in my mind.

What was I doing? I don't even know him. I mean, we just met and there are a lot of things we need to catch up on and here I am, locking lips with him.

I pulled back immediately. This is wrong, it feels wrong.

Jake groaned and that's when I noticed the restaurant had gone completely silent. I looked around the room of people, seeing a look of shock sporting on their faces as they stared at one person.


He was just standing at the entrance of the door looking at me. Various emotions flashed across his face from anger, to shock, to regret, to resentment, and finally hurt. His fists were clenched by his sides as he stared at both me and Jake.

He swiftly turned around without any word and went out the door. I immediately sprang up from my seat and ran after him.

"Dean!" I called but he didn't turn back instead, he walked even faster. I picked up my pace and finally turned him around. His eyes were red with unshed tears and I felt guilt wash over me. He looked vulnerable.

What did I do?

"Dean...." I whispered softly, reaching out my hands to wipe the single tear that had managed to escape.

He grabbed my hands giving it a tight squeeze and I winced from the pain, "Dean, you're hurting me,"

He let go of my hands and his eyes immediately hardened, "Go home, Gracie." His voice was stern as he spoke.

"Dean, I'm sorry. What happened back there was unaccounted for. It just happened." I tried to explain.

Why was I trying to defend myself? I knew I didn't feel any attraction towards him, that's out of the point. I was sure he had done the same thing to other women, maybe even more. I felt guilty sure, but was that enough reason to try to clear things off with him. It was probably because of the deal I signed. It wasn't fair on my part for doing what I just did. Or maybe it's the fear that he would cancel the deal and stop paying the treatments for my mom.

"Go home, Gracie. I don't care what went on back there. It's none of my business, you can do whatever you want. I don't care anymore, I never even did from the start."

He sounded nothing like the Dean I knew. But I guess I never really knew Dean. He's a man of many personalities and I find it hard to pin point his true self. His voice was emotionless but it didn't change the fact that it stung.

I felt my vision getting blurrier, as tears pricked in my eyes, threatening to fall, "I never meant for it to happen Dean, I swear."

"Go home." His voice was firm and concluded. His eyes were no longer red but his eye color changed a few shades darker. His face was also emotionless as he stared at me. He was no longer the vulnerable boy that I saw a few minutes ago.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and sprinted out of the parking lot before I let the tears fall out.

This was not how I wanted my day to go.


Shortest Chapter EVER! It's not even upto a thousand words! I'm not feeling this chapter at all considering it's two am in the morning that I wrote this lol but I needed to update seeing I haven't in a long time.

Sorry for the crappy chap. But it's up to you though. Vote and comment if you enjoyed it :)

Thanks for reading!


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