Chapter 3: Penelope!

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Penelope's POV:
     "Melinda does not want to die." Harmony stated and I sighed and rolled my eyes as I sat in my thrown. I had a Tierra and a long and sparkly black dress and black heels. I stood up.and walked down the few stairs below my thrown and faced my subjects. "I will go visit her." I announced. "Are you going you can kill her again?" Harmony asked with a smile. Harmony is my second in command and i only let her talk to me, everyone else has to go through her, and I tell her what to say and do to them. If there's an execution, she brings them to me and I do it with my powers. "No, I need them to think I care. Visiting her when other people are there, and I looked in my crystal ball, and her parents are there, like usual." I replied and she nodded. I waved my hand over my body and my clothes changed into a mini black and white skirt with a long sleeves black shirt and black high heeled boots up to her knees. Her hair is down and wavy. She smiled and everyone clapped for her as she bowed. "I will be back. Harmony. A word, please." I stated and she nodded as she stepped forward. "Of course, your majesty." Harmony agreed. They walked behind her throne and faced each other. "I need you to work on a plan." I stated and she nodded. "Anything." I agreed and I gave an evil smile. "Work on a forgetting potion or a forgetting spell, anything to make Melinda forget." I stated and she nodded. "That still may not work, she's super smart. If she figured it out once, I'm sure she'll figure it out again." Harmony stated and I sighed. "I suppose you're rught. Work one it anyways, we'll give it a whirl." I stated and she nodded. "Of course." Harmony agreed and I flamed out.

Piper's POV:
     I was at the hospital with Mel. I was by the bed and holding by her hand, as she just laid there unconscious. I had my hair in a low ponytail and wore a short sleeves black shirt with a tan skirt that went to my knees. I also had black combat boots on. I had my head down as I just hoped that my daughter would wake up. I heard footsteps and I looked up to see my husband entering with two cups of coffee. He handed me one and I reluctantly let go of her hand to take it and drink some. He sat next to me and put an arm around me as we drank our coffee in silence. "Whes going to be okay." Leo stated and I looked at him and nodded with a sigh. "I know, sges strong." I agreed. "She gets that from you." Leo stated and I smiled. "She gets that from both of us." I stated and we both laughed. "Perhaps." Leo agreed.

Leo's POV:
      Penelope walked in. I don't think she has visited Melinda as much as everyone else has. "Hi." Penelope greeted, shyly. "Hey." Piper greeted. "If I knew you were coming, I would of gotten you a drink too." I stated and she shrugged as she walked in more. "I drank some urbal tea before I came here." Penelope stated. "Since when did you start drinking urbal tea?" Piper asked and she shrugged as she sat on the other side of Melinda's bed. "Several months now. I traded in coffee for tea." Penelope replied and I nodded. I looked over at my wide as she eyed her neice. Piper has rambled on a few times how Penelope has gotten suspicious. I think I over heard Mel talking to someone about Penny. Maybe a future kid? You know what they say. Like mother, like daughter. I sighed as Penelope watched Melinda. She didn't look sad or concerned for her cousin, I don't know exactly what she looked like. "How is she doing?" Penelope asked with no emotion at all.... Weird. "No better. She's still the same. We need to find out who did this." Piper stated in tears and I hugged her as she cried on my shoulder, making me drop a few tears too. "We will, Aunt Piper, we will." Penelope stated.

Wyatt's POV:
    I knocked on Chris' door and Bianca opened it. I sighed and rolled my eyes. She did the same. "What are you doing here?" Bianca asked me and I scuffed. "This is my parents house and my brothers room." I replied. "Right, whatever." Bianca stated. "The question is, why are you here?" Wyatt asked. "This is my fiancee's room and I'm basically living here now, you don't even live you." Bianca replied. "Officially, you don't either." I added and we glared at each.
    That is, however, until Chris walked over. He walked out feom the restroom, and was surprised to see us talking. "What's going on here?" Chris asked as he walked in his room and have that demon a kiss in the head. Eww. I don't know what he sees in her. "Mom wanted me to see how everything was here." I replied. "She wanted you to check up on me?" Chris asked and I sighed. "Yeah, pretty much." I replied. "But I'm 18 and I've graduated high school. I'm only still here because Bianca and I haven't gotten a place yet, and we're not going to until Mel wakes up and mom and dad are feeling better." Chris stated and I shrugged. "Take it up with her." I stated. I noticed Bianca eying me, so I looked down at her. "It's not him, is it?" Bianca asked. "What are you talking about?" Chris asked. But I knew exactly what I'm talking about, and I sighed. "What am I missing?" Chris asked. Bianca turned and looked up at my brother. "Your mom still doesn't trust me, and even thought she trusts you, I don't think she trusts you with me." Bianca replied and he looked up at me. I nodded and he looked back down at her. "That's ridiculous." Chris stated and Bianca nodded.

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