Chapter 6: Freedom!

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Bianca's POV:
       It's been two days and I'm still trapped in my house. I hate my mom, and she's not my mom anymore. I wish I grew up different. I can't stand her. She's evil. "Get out!" Mom yelled. What's going on out there? I stood up and walked to my door as I touched my doorknob. "I'm not leaving til I see her!" A man yelled back. I pushed my eyebrows together as I opened my door. "Mom? What's going on?" I asked and they both looked at me. The guy just starred at me speechless. "Bianca, go back to your room." Mom stated and I shook my head. "No, you trapped me in my apartment, you won't trap me in my room now too." I stated and mom sighed. "Fair enough." Mom stated. "Bianca." The man stated and I looked at him. "Who are you?" I asked. "No one, he's no one." Mom replied. "He's obviously someone. I take he's a demon you don't like." I stated and she nodded with a sigh. "Yeah, something like that." Mom agreed and the man stepped up. "I'm your father." The man stated and my eyes widened as mom groaned.

Parker's POV:
     My mom and dad talked to Giselle and they agreed to let her publish my book. I left my book off at cliffhanger, so I can make a second book. She said I should het started on it, so I have been working on it. I'm on chapter 5. The words are just flowing out of me, and I really love it. Mom knocked on my door and then my mom walked in. I was sitting at my desk, working really hard. "Dinners ready." Mom stated and I nodded as I looked at her with a smile. "Okay, I'll be right down." I stated and she nodded as I turned back to finish my chapter. "How's your second book going?" Mom asked. "Good. I think this may turn out as good as my first one." I replied and she nodded with a smile. "That's good, I'm so glade you found something you're good at and something you love." Mom stated. "Yeah, I really love it." I stated. "Good, now let's go eat." Mom stated. I put down my pencil and stood up. "I'm done with the chapter, so let's go." I stated and Mom laughed as we left my room.

Patricia's POV:
      We were done with dinner and put our dishes in the sink. "I'm going to work on my book some more." Parker stated. "We love that you're so passionate about this, but you should do the dishes because it's your turn." Cole stated and Parker nodded. "Okay, dad." Parker stated as she went to the kitchen sink. My phone rang and I smiled when I saw it was Dani. I put it to my ear as I answered it. "Hey." I greeted with a smile. "Hi. I was wondering if we could go on a date today?" Dani asked and I sighed. "I would love to, but I can't. I'm hanging out with my dad and his family today." I replied. "That's fine, we could go on a date tomorrow." Dani stated and I smiled even bigger. "Okay." I agreed. "You wanna see a movie?" Dani asked. "Yeah, sounds good to me." I replied. "We'll figure what movie we will watch tomorrow at the mall." Dani stated. "Yeah, sure." I agreed.

Cole's POV:
      Penny went back to her room after dinner, like she has been for some reason. Patty was on the phone with her girlfriend, and Parker was doing the dishes before she went back to working on her book again. I was on the couch with Phoebe and I had my arm around her as she leaned her head on me. We were watching some TV as our kids were off doing what they're doing. There was a knock on the door and I sighed. I looked down and smiled when I saw my beautiful wife sleeping peacefully on me. I carefully put her off of me and laid her out on the couch as I stood up. I walked to the door to find Coop standing there. "Hi, Patty will be out in a minute. Come in." I stated as he walked in and I closed the door behind him. "Phoebe's asleep on the couch." Coop stated and I nodded. "Yeah, you can sit on a chair." I stated as I sat on the edge of the couch, the part that my wife is not on as he sat on a couch. I watched Coop watching his daughter. Patty was smiling and blushing and twirling her hair. "Who is she talking to? Not a boy, right?" Coop asked and I laughed. "No, no boyfriend. She has a girlfriend." I replied and he pushed his eyebrows together. "You mean a friend that's a girl, right?" Coop asked and I shook my head. "No, they're dating. I figured you knew, bring as you are her dad." I replied an he looked dumbfounded. "I had no idea." Coop stated and I sighed. Wow. He really did not know. "Okay." I stated as I sat back.

Patricia's POV:
      I hung up the call and smiled to myself. I turned around and saw my dad and stepdad and my mom asleep on the couch. "Hi, dad. You're here." I stated. "Yeah, ready to go?" Dad asked as he stood up and I nodded as in pit my phone in my purse. "Yeah." I replied.
     Dad and I were talking on the living room couch. "Patty." Dad stated and I nodded. "Yeah?" I asked. "Cole told me something about a girlfriend." Dad replied and my eyes widened. "Oh." I stated. "Yeah.... Are you dating a girl?" Dad asked. "Ite better then a boy." I replied with a small smile. "Answer my question." Dad stated and I sighed. "Yeah, her name is Danielle, and I think I'm really falling for her." I stated and he smiled. "Well, I'm happy for you. I just wish you would of told me yourself." Dad stated and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I just thought you might overract, and you didn't know I was gay yet, and I didn't know how to tell you." I stated and he nodded. "Its fine." Dad stated as he hugged me. Then Billie, Christy, and Mason walked in and I smiled as I went and hugged them.

Chris' POV:
      "Thanks for helping me, Wyatt. I know you don't like Bianca." I stated as we orbed outside of her apartment. "Well, it's the least I can do. I feel bad for being so mean to her and not excepting your relationship, even though I still don't like her and I don't think you guys should get married. But I love you, and I will help you." Wyatt explained and I sighed as I shook my head. "Fine, just do your thing." I stated and he nodded as he got ready. He put his hands out and towards the door. "Are you sure you can breath this spell with your energy waves?" I asked and he laughed. "Of course I can. My energy waves are powerful enough to break the spell." Wyatt replied and I nodded. "Okay." I agreed. Energy waves came out of his hands and threw the force field as it shattered.

Bianca's POV:
     I was sitting on my bed, in disbelief. I don't believe it. My dad. My birth father. My mom told me tbat my father died when my mom was still pregnant with me. Out of every stupid thing she has done, I never thought she would lie to me. I heard something as the apartment shook. I ran out if my room just as the door opened and I smiled when I saw Chris. I ran up to him and swung my arms around his neck as he put his arms around my waist and I smiled. "I missed you. I missed you so much." I stated. "I missed you too." Chris stated. I looked up at him. "I love you so much." I stated with a smile and he smiled back at me. "I love you too." Chris stated. We kissed passionately and then hugged.

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