Chapter 20: Powerful Team!

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Christy's POV:
I was in my room with Patricia "Really?" Patty asked. "Yeah. Apparently, I was named after her." I replied. I just ecpliained tyo her everything that happened with my aunt. "Why didn't Billie tell you about her?" Patty asked and I sighed. "It was too hard for her. Mom loved her so much, but Christy wouldn't change for her." I replied. "If she really was raised by the triad, then of course she wouldn't change. This is all she knows." Patty stated. "But if she was taken as a child, she has to have some good in her, right?" I asked and Patty shrugged. "I suppose. Why?" Patty asked. "Maybe I can help my mom by making her sister see the light." I replied and Patty sighed. "Just because she wasn't taken as a baby but a child, doesn't mean tberes any good in her anymore. The triad worked so hard to crush any good and any light in her, she's pure evil now, part of the triad and she will always be lime that." Patty explained and I sighed as I nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right." I agreed angd Patty gave me a hug. "I have to go. Call me if you need anything." Patty stated and I nodded. "I will." I agreed and then she walked out.

Penelope's POV:
I was in my room and I had a pair of jeans on and no top, just a bra. I put on a pink tank top and put my hair in a high ponytail. "Penny! Patty! Parker! Dinner!" Dad yelled. I walked down the stairs and my mom smiled at me. "You look really nice. Going somewhere?" Mom asked. "Just go the mall." I replied and mom nodded. Then Parker came down and less then a minute Patricia came down. We sat down and ate and then I walked out of our house.
I stood there when Zancou appeared in flames. "Zancou." I stated. "I heard you're the one that summoned us." Zancou stated and I chuckled. "Sort of. I summoned a certain demon and he summoned the three most powerful demons that the Charmed Ones have had to defeat. This time, you're going up against their kids and you have to win this time." I explained. "If you wanted us here so badly, why couldn't you just summon us yourself?" Zancou asked. "Because I am very busy, it's none of your buidness. Now go get the others and attack Melinda first. She's the one I don't want you to kill." I replied. "Why not?" Zancou asked. "Because Melinda has lost her memories. I wanted her dead because she was starting to figure out about me, but it backfired so I did this to her. She always thought of herself as the least powerful, she doesn't realise just how powerful she is. Since she has no memory, I want to make her evil, she'll be a great addition." I explained and he nodded. "Then why do you want us to attack her?" Zancou asked and I sighed. "A lot of questions. But if you must know, I need to save her to get Chris and Bianca off my trails. They're who you must kill next. I believe Wyatt and Chris were already alive when they had to fight you and Christy. The last time they saw Barbas, I believe Piper was pregnsby with Chris." I replied adbd he nodded as he flamed out. I smirked as I flamed out too.

Melinda's POV:
"Mel?" Kat asked. "Yeah?" I asked. "Why have you been hanging out with Penny so much?" Katrina asked. "She says we were really close." I replied and she pushed her eyebrows together. "But you weren't." Kat stated and then I pushed my eyebrows together. "Excuse me?" I asked. "You guys weren't really close, it was us who we're close. You were also pretty close to Chris and Bianca." Kat replied. "Why would Penny lie?" I asked and she shrugged. "I don't know." Kat replied. "How do I know you're not the one lying?" I asked. "Because I have never lied to you." Kat replied. "How do I know that for sure?' I asked. "Ask anyone, we were the close ones." Kat replied and I sudhex as I sat down. Kat sat down next to me as she sighed too.

Katrina's POV:
I really want Mel to remember. But I don't know what to do. Them flames appeared as three demons stood there. I stood up and got in front of Melinda. Barbas. Zancou. Christy. After they came back, our mom's told us about them. They're really dangerous, more then any other demons our mom's have faced. Zancou threw fire at me and I grabbed Melinda's arm and jumped out of them way. We fell on the ground as the fire hit the wall. Christy threw fire at me as I stood up. I used my powers of deflecting and and deflected her powers. "Mel, use your channel powers." I stated as she stood up. "My what?" Melinda asked. "Channel there powers to use against them. Just focus." I replied. Zancou and Christy threw fire at me. I deflected them both. "I-I can't." Melinda stated in tears and I sighed. "Yes, you can. I know you can." I stated.

Melinda's POV:
The guy in white hair, I think mom called him Barbas, disappeared and reappeared right in front of me. My eyes widened and I stepped back in fear. He waved his hand at me and smirked. "You're afraid tbat you'll never get your memory back." Barbas stated. He grabbed my throat and started chocking me. "Melinda!" Kat exclaimed. My vision started blurring and I started looking consciousness. That's when I saw Penny. She threw fire at all of them, but they all disappeared before she could kill them. Then collapsed and gasped for air as everything went black.
I woke up and on my bed and saw Penny and Kat. I sat up fast and Penny rubbed my arm. "Its okay, just calm down." Penny stated. I sighed and then hugged her tight and she hugged me back. I pulled apart and smiled at him. "You saved me." I stated and she nodded with a smile. "Of course, that's what friends and family are for." Penny stated. Kat must be wrong, Penny and I have to be close. She wouldn't just be close to me after I lost my memory, that wouldn't make any sense.

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