Chapter 35: Father and Daughter!

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Patricia's POV:
     My dad, Billie, Christy, Mason, Dani, and I were all enjoying dinner together. Sort of it. There was an awkward silence. "So, Dani. I hear you live with your brother and his fiance." Dad stated. "That's right." Dani replied. "When are they getting married?" Dad asked. "In a month." Dani replied and I looked at her. She didn't tell me they finally set a date, I was hoping she would ask me to be her date. "Very nice. I wish the best for them." Dad stated. "Thank you." Dani stated. "So, are your parents dead or something?" Mason asked. "Mason!" Billie exclaimed. "What?" Mason asked. "I wasn't going to ask that, because that could be a sore subject for her." Dad replied. "Sorry about Mason. His mouth isn't connected to his mouth." Billie apologized. "It's fine, really. No, they are not dead. I'm a fairy and my mom is the fairy queen. My brother and I wanted to see what this life was like." Dani stated. "A fairy?" Dad asked. "Yes, and don't worry. I don't tell everyone that I'm a fairy. After Patty found out, she told me that she was witch." Dani stated. "Very nice. I rather her date a magical creature then a mortal anyways. They say that it'll be complicated, but if you ask me, a magical person dating a mortal is mom complicated." Dad stated and we both laughed. "I'm glad you feel that way." I stated.

Dani's POV:
     Dinner was over and Coop and Billie were cleaning up. I was with Patty in her room. The door had to be open. "Are you going to talk to your dad?" I asked and she nodded. "Soon. Maybe tomorrow, I'm spending the night here." I replied and she nodded. "I'm so proud of you, Patty." I stated and Patty smiled. "I didn't know your brother had found a wedding date." Patty stated and I nodded with a sigh. This is my chance. "Yeah, I was waiting for the right time to tell you." I stated. "Right time?" Patty asked. "Will you be my date to the wedding?" I asked and she grinned. "I would love to." Patty replied and I laughed as she leaned in and kissed me.

Paige's POV:
       Prue and Andy explained to Piper, Leo, Chris, Bianca, Cole, Phoebe, Henry, and myself what was going on. I closed my eyes and sighed as I opened them again. "I can't sense them." I stated. "That's good. That means they're not dead, but it also means they're in the underworld." Leo stated. "The Underworld is bigger then we realise." Prue stated. "True, but all we need to do is have Paige orb us there and use a locator spell. I can go to the book of shadows now and find it." Piper stated and we nodded. "Yeah, good idea." Prue agreed. Piper and Leo stood up and walked off. "Bianca and I will prepare too." Chris stated as the two of them stood up. "I don't think so." I stated. "What do you mean?" Chris asked. "We will handle this. We will need you here, this is how you can help." Phoebe replied. "Plus, your parents will kill us if we even consider letting you go." I added. "We are adults." Chris stated. "And we don't care." Phoebe stated and I nodded in agreement as they sighed.

Piper's POV:
     Leo and I walked into the attick. I let go of his hand and walked over to the Book of Shadows. I started flipping through the pages as Leo was standing behind me and looked at the book over me. I kept flipping the pages. I stopped when I saw a page had been torn out. "Leo. What was in between the Balthazar Vanquishing spell and the To Call a Lost Witch Spell?" I asked and Leo started thinking. "It was the locator spell." Leo replied and I sighed. "Of course, Victor is smarter then we realised." I stated as I slammed the book close. He rubbed my back as he tried to soothe me. "Remember last week when we were in bed late at night? We were talking about spells we memorized because we either used them enough or we memorized because we thought they may come in handy?" Leo asked and I faced him. "Yeah." I replied. "One that you mentioned wasn't a spell but a potion, because you've always been best at potions. It's not in the book because it was on the same page that was ripped out." Leo explained and I nodded. "The locator potion." I stated and he nodded. "You want to get started on that?" Leo asked and I smiled. "Yeah." I replied and I gave him a kiss on the lips.

Patricia's POV:
      I was running in the woods. I didn't even know what I was running from, I just knew I couldn't stop. My heart was beating fast. I tripped and fell to the ground. I got back up and looked around. My hair was in a ponytail and I was wearing a tank top and shorts. I heard a loud piercing screaming and fell to the ground as I covered my ears. Tears streamed down my face as I could barely breathe. I was looking at the ground and I saw a shadow loom over me, making me scream.
    I woke up with a jolt and looked around sweating. What the? Why did I just have a nightmare and what does it mean? I sighed as I got up and went out of my room. I saw my dad walk out of his room. "Good morning." Dad greeted. "Morning. Where's Billie?" I asked. "Work." Dad replied. "Okay, could we talk?" I asked. "Sure." Dad replied. We moved to the living room and sat on the couch. "Yesterday I had a talk with Billie. I apologized for the way I always act. Truth is, you have this family. A wife and kids, and I don't always feel like I'm a part of it." I stated and put my head down. Dad lifted my ahead up and looked in my eyes. "You are always part of my world. You are my oldest daughter and I love you, no matter what." Dad stated and I smiled as we hugged.

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