Unanswerable Questions

709 57 42

"If you're an Ay-rab, why do you have light skin and light eyes?" Exquse me but in what holy scripture does it say it's forbidden for an Arab to have light skin and light eyes

"Do you guys like Hitler because you hate Israel?" WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS

"Why do some if you kiss each other when you greet?" Never knew patting each other's cheeks was equivalent to actually kissing someone's cheek but whatever you say. So cute. :')

"Why are your men so affectionate toward each other... are...are they all gay?" What even—

"Why in the world do you write from right to left?!" Let me go back in time and ask the creator of Arabic why he chose such a thing...just for you, darling. :) Just for you.

"I like this Arab guy, and he likes me too, but I'm too afraid to be with him. Are they really abusive freaks, as everyone says, and possessive?" I can't speak for all Arab men, but my dad is such an abusive freak that he disagrees with my mom about certain things sometimes, and he's so possessive that he claimed me as his child once my mom told him she was pregnant with me and even told everyone I was his daughter. Until this day, he keeps telling people I'm his daughter when introducing me to them. Terrible, evil, and disgusting...Sorry, bud, but you're better off going after some other type of guy. Obviously, you don't want to have an Arab man's child lest he claims him or her as his own. 😕

Shout out to my good old friend who once asked me the fifth question.


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