Just to dance with you💝

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The night swept away, and soon we were all back in the car traveling home.

Me and George decided we would go home, change into comfortable clothes, then meet each other at the place.

After we dropped off George,John,and Ringo.

Me and Paul decided to walk the rest of the way.

We hadn't been going on our daily walks because of everything that had been going on.

As we walked down the lonely street,Paul asked me a question I wasn't quite comfortable answering.

"So, have you decided yet?"
I frowned at him.

"It was just a question!"

He chuckled out.

"No, and I dont plan to for a while.

I dont know when it will happen,or how,but I will just feel it......it will be right."

Paul smiled and took off his hat.

Then he shook his hair around,trying to keep it from standing up.

"Your hair smells like cotton candy!" I laughed out.

He rolled his eyes up,trying his best to look at his hair.

"It should, that's the kind of shampoo I use."

I snorted.

"You use children's shampoo?"

"Yeah,why not? Makes your hair softer than a kitty cat.....look feel it."

He grabbed my hand and made me pet his head.

I leaned up against him as we walked, so that I didn't fall over while laughing my head off.

"Oh, you will never grow up,will you?"

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.


I laughed as he ran the rest of the way with me thrown over his shoulder.

He ran into the house and plopped me down on the couch.

We sat there laughing harder than we ever had before.

I layed across his knees and grabbed my stomach.

"Okay,okay I've got to go get ready to meet George!"

I giggled as I went up stairs to change.

"I'll just stay here and wait up for you then."

We had finally calmed down, and could talk normally.

"You dont have to do that."

He shrugged. "I dont have anything better to do."

I smirked. "Thanks."

I walked into my room and took off that ridiculous clothing,and changed into my jeans and a navy blue T-shirt.

Then I quickly straightened my hair,and refixed my mascara and lipstick.

I walked back down the stairs to find Paul in his his bugs bunny pajama bottoms, and a plain white T-shirt.

"Well,I'll be back in a little while."

I grabbed my leather jacket.

"You better be home by midnight, or you're gonna be in big trouble young lady!"

I laughed, "I highly doubt I will be home by then, because its already 11."

He pointed a finger at me.

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