Home At Last!!😄

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They let Georgie go home!

No more sleepless nights, no more waking up sore ,and most importantly no more drooling nurses!

We arrived back at the pad this morning around 10.

George is in bed asleep,his arm and knee were hurting pretty bad.

So I sent the lads to go get sandwiches for him.

He hadn't eaten a while, the pain was really making him queezy.

Slowly I opened the door to his bedroom and peeked my head in.

"Georgie,you awake?"

He looked up at me.

"Yeah, I'm not feeling to good though."

I giggled as I sat down beside him and turned the lamp on.

"Well love, you haven't eaten in three days, you need to eat something."

I brushed his hair off his forehead and he smiled.

I heard the front door open.

"Were home!"

I turned to George.

"There's your food."

He groaned as he sat up in bed.

"But I'm not hungry!"

I laughed. "Your more hungry than you think you are."

I quickly ran and got the sandwiches from Ringo.

"Thank you."

I gave him a quick kiss as I ran back to George's room.

I sat next to George and grinned uncontrollably.

"Guess what I have!?"

He laughed, "What?"

I handed him the bag as he peeked inside.


I smiled and scooted closer as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Awww, thank you love."

He kissed my forehead as I smiled up at him.

"You always know how to cheer me up."

I watched him as he ate hungrily,and giggled to myself.

Suddenly a question came to mind.

"George, in the hospital....the day you woke up, you said I had a beautiful singing voice.

How do you know that, I haven't ever sang to you?"

He looked at me confused with sandwich stuffed in his face.

Slowly he swallowed and wiped his mouth.

"Yes you have,in the hospital. You sang "I am happy just to dance with you."

I stared at him confused.

"How could you have heard me you were asleep?"

He grinned. "No, actually I wasn't, I woke up just as you started singing. But then I fell back asleep."

My eyes welled up. "Claire, love why are you crying."

I laughed, and cried at the same time.

"I'm just embarrassed, you know I cried by the time I got to the chorus."

George laughed as he gathered me in his arms.

"Love, that's nothing to cry over."

I giggled as I kissed George gently.

"Oh yes it is, ecpecially when you sound as bad as I did."

We laughed. "You sounded lovely, and when you started crying I knew you were upset.

I dont hold that against you one bit."

We pressed our noses together and he kissed me lightly.

I loved George so much, I never wanted to leave him.

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