Our night out ✌

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"Come on Paul I want to get to the park before the sun goes down."

Once again I was trying to drag Paul out of the house, just to have a nice walk.

He didn't like walks, "Too much moving." He'd say.

"You need the exercise. Walking will give you ideas for songs. Just come on!"

Finally, I managed to drag him out for a nice evening walk.

"Why do I always have to come on these rubbish walks, why can't John or one of the other lads go!"

I rolled my eyes as we walked down the sidewalk towards the park.

"Oh come on Paul, it's good for you."

"It's a drag. Every time I go on one of these ridiculous walks my feet get achy, and I'm always sore in the morning!"

I laughed, he is so whiney.

"Why are you laughing, it's not funny, it's painful!"

I rolled my eyes at him with a giggle. "You're so dramatic." 

For a moment or two, Paul kept his poker face, but then he started laughing as well, realizing how whiney he was being.

When we arrived at the park we sat down at a nearby park bench for me and Paul to catch our breaths from laughing. 

"Oh, you're ridiculous," I said still laughing.

"Yeah, I guess it was pretty funny." Paul giggled out.

After Paul and I calmed down he decided to go have a swing.

"Isn't this a bit childish?" I asked, watching Paul kick his feet in the air with the momentum of the swing. He had already begun to swing very high above me.

"No, course not.  After all, I used to be one."

I sat down and began to swing lightly, while Paul was trying to see exactly how high he could go.

"Ok, Ringo." I chortled sarcastically.

"Why are you always so uptight about this stuff?" Paul questioned. 

I looked up at him confused. "What do you mean uptight?"

He slowly stopped his swing so that we were face to face.

"Well you're always saying things like that's so childish, and whatnot."

I gave him a smirk. " I do not always say that."

He raised an eyebrow. "Now we both know that's a lie."

I sighed, "I don't know it's just that I don't want people seeing the world-famous Beatles as childish and immature."

He smiled as he hopped off the swing.

"Always looking out for us, huh Reese."

"I try my best," I said shrugging.

Reese was a nickname that Paul had given to me when we met. He's continued to call me by this name, instead of my real name; Claire. 

Suddenly Paul gave me a tight hug.

"Aw, what's this for?" I cooed squeezing him back.

"Just to let you know that you always do the best, and to thank you for being a great best friend."

I smiled at him as we parted the hug.  We began to walk back to the pad. The lads would be waiting for us.

"Do you fancy anyone?" Paul asked suddenly. 

"What?" I looked at him confused.

"You know, fancy, you have a crush, admire someone?" Paul enquired nudging me in the shoulder.

I laughed and shook my head. 

"No, I know what it means, but why did you ask the question?"

He shrugged his shoulders casually. "Just wondering."

"Aww, Paulie starting to develop feelings are ya." I taunted, batting my eyelashes at him. 

He turned to me, his face scrunched up tightly.


I laughed as he made gagging sounds.

"Then why do you ask?"

"No reason really, can't I just be a curious friend?"  He said grinning.

Soon we had arrived back at the pad. 

What was he talking about? Did somebody like me, was it one of the lads?

No, no it couldn't be they would have fessed up by now right?


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