A day at the park 💛

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Me and the lads were worn out to the bone.

Rehearsals, meetings, and the ball had happened all in one week.

To much stuff to handle for five young minds.

George was so tired sometimes he didnt even feel like going to our place.
Ringo had already told me that night after the ball, he was going to have to take a day or two to sit inside and rest.

Paul fell asleep on my couch that night and handnt moved,except to eat and then go right back to sleeping.

I had asked John if he wanted to come over, and he had also said he was to tired.

So I stayed at the house all alone, well not alone Paul was there, but still it felt like it.

I for one was not going to sit around the house and be a bum.

So for three whole days I cleaned the whole house till it was spick and span.

Finally on the third day I was tired of being alone and bored.

I decided I was going to get the lads up and moving whether they liked it or not.

I  planned something very special for them today.

I know they are going to love, but there was a catch to my plan.

I had to get them out of the house.

"Paul....hey,you've been sleeping for three days."

I tried to shake him awake gently so I didnt make him mad.

"Yeah, thats because I have been going for seven days straight."

Slowly he turned and rubbed his eyes.

"Don't you think its about time you get moving around again?"


Paul grunted as he turned back over.

"Oh well, I did plan something really fun for you and the lads today,but since you dont seem interested."

I cut my eyes over at Paul. Slowly he sat up.

"What is that something?"

I turned around to him while fileing my nails.

"Its nothing really, I just simply got the park reserved for the day."

I lied it really wasn't simple at all.

I looked up and Paul was already dressed and ready to go.

"What are we waiting for we have to go gather up the lads."

I smiled and took his hand as we ran out of the house,and climbed into the car.

After we gathered up the rest of the lads we were off to the park for the day.

As we all got out of the car Paul and John were the first ones to get on the swings.

Me, Ringo, and George laughed as they tripped over each other trying to reach the swings.

"Oh,they will never grow up."

Ringo took my hand and we began to walk slowly to a wide green pasture.

I had rented out this park because it was far away from the city and more hidden.

It was also the park near the lads favorite guitar shop.

We sat down and Ringo played with my hair.

I stared out at the park.

I watched Paul and John swing as they tried to see how high they could go.

George sat under neath a tree and strummed

"I am happy just to dance with you." it was so peaceful, and there is nothing I could ask for more of than peace.

"Lovely morning isn't it darling?"

I smiled up at Ringo.

"Yeah,its beautiful."

Slowly Ringo's bright smile  faded.

"What's wrong?"

I had startled him slightly.

"I feel bad for not going out with you earlier this week when you asked me to,I feel like I let you down."

I rubbed his arm, and kissed his cheek.

"Its okay, you didnt let me down.

I knew you were tired and didnt feel like getting out.

That's my fault I shouldn't have bothered you."

He smiled and kissed me.

As we parted I look to where George had just been sitting.

"Do you know where George went?"

Ringo looked over at the guitar store.

"I thought I saw him go into Guitars and Stuff."

"Oh, that scared me for a minute!" I sighed with relief.

It wasn't like George to run off like that.

Me and Ringo began to go into deep conversation.

Soon hours began to pass and George wasn't back yet.

I hope he was okay.

Suddenly I heard I sharp scream and a man in the street running around.

"Fire! Fire! somebody call 911 guitar shop is on fire and people are trapped!!"

My heart began to leap out of my chest.

I stood up and looked toward the guitar shop.

Flames rose up from every direction, the sounds of people screaming and calling for their love ones echoed through the streets.
I turned around to Ringo and his eyes were glued to the burning building.


To be continued.......

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