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"Once Upon a time there was a magestic king who lived with his queen and his noble brother in a colourful Kingdom where music and art were celebrated. The king did not precee having a child but he lives in a enchanted land where all things were possible. In time, he was blessed with a beautiful baby daughter for whom he wished only peace and happiness. Still, the king has demons who pursuit him. There was a ruthless beast who wanted to take the kingdom for her own. Armed with a pack of untamed creatures, she drove the other magically beings from the land and there was a wicked sorcerious with enchanted stones that weakend the king every full moon. Seeing the shadow his enemy cast upon his home the king was driven to send his beloved princess away. Convincing all who remained that she was forever lost. The king in his sorrow turned away from the world the castle closed its doors and the Kingdom fell. Some say that the only light that shines in the castle illuminates the shadow of the once mighty king in the room meant for his child. But as the ruthless beast took cruel over the fallen kings relm little did they know that he, the Queen and his brother would not rest until their enemies were vanquished. For they believed that one day they would heal their Kingdom and bring their princess home so that she might live happily ever after."

Everything had been quiet ever since Klaus and Hayley sent their daughter away. Hayley is always gone in the bayou while Klaus is always painting in anger. Maddison was dealing with a little heart break. Since Klaus had told her to go and then sent his daughter away, he's been pushing her away more than ever. Every night she dreams of what happened and of how they left things.

Maddie and Elijah were walking by Klaus' room, when a canvas gets thrown in front of Maddie, making her back away. "Well he seems to be doing well." She mumbles earning an amused chuckle from Elijah.

He bends down to pick it up and walked into the room making the girl groan softly, "I suppose we have to call this your white period."

"I'm missing a crucial colour in my pallet. That of my enemies blood." Klaus says turning around.

"Well, I recommend a venishan red with a dash of rush." Elijah comments sarcastically causing Maddie to let out a laugh. She and Elijah have grown really close since everything. He's helped distract her a lot.

"It's been months! I've appeared to our plan! Sit and do nothing, sell our grief! And now my child is safely away and another full moon is upon us! Another night of pathetic weakness! As the moonlight rings steal my strength! The inertia is killing me. I need to act. I-I need- I need to spill blood." Klaus says looking at Elijah like an addict in need of crack.

"Well then, you'll be pleased to know that I've located the last of the twelve rings forged with your blood." Elijah told him.

"Then it's time." Klaus whispers happily.

"And none too soon. I'm concerned about Hayley." Elijah states while Klaus tenses at her name.

"She looks well enough." He says turning around.

"She looks no better than you brother. Now if the two of you treat each other as more than just passing acquaintances-" Klaus interrupts Elijah.

"She has you to help her." He says.

"Sadly like you, the father of her child, she prefers to fight her demons alone." Elijah whispers sadly as Maddie leaves the room.

Life and Death | THE ORIGINALS [2] {BEING EDITED}Where stories live. Discover now