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Maddie woke up feeling anxious about Elijah Missing and Mikael being out there somewhere. Not to mention the fact that someone was still draining her magic.

Hayley walked past Maddie's bedroom to Klaus' room with Maddie following behind her. Klaus stood there washing the blood off his hands. "I see you're interrogation went well."

"It turns out these witches are delicate creatures." Maddie tilted her head a bit as she wondered is she was supposed to be offended by his comment. "No matter. As suspected, my mother has Elijah captive."

"Great, let's go find them." Hayley sighed in frustration.

"Esther is too powerful." Klaus shakes his head and walks towards them while drying his hands. "She won't easily be found. I need to draw her out." Klaus puts his hand on the doors and go to close them.

"Wait, where are you going?" Maddie asked making him stop and look at her.

"I'm going to change my shirt and then I'm gonna find my brother." He went to close the doors but she stepped forward and stopped them from shutting.

"Klaus." Maddie opens the doors up wider. "Let me come with you."

Klaus sighed and stepped towards her. "I know you want to help, Maddie, but you can't. My mother is wretched. She will target you in order to thwart me and I can't very well save Elijah if I'm busy saving you. Can I?" He grinned and backed up, closing the doors as Maddie looked at Hayley and the two left the compound.

"Maybe Klaus is having better luck." Marcel suggested to Gia.

"No, he's not." Maddie and Hayley walked into Marcel's loft.

"Which sucks considering how low the bar is around here. Listen, you two up for a rescue mission?" Hayley asked them.

"Are we going after Elijah?" Gia asks hopefully.

Maddie shook her head. "No. That's all Klaus. We mean Oliver."

"He and Elijah were fighting the werewolves together, I've heard that Oliver has been captured and he's about to be executed." Hayley explains. "Okay, look, if we can save Oliver than we might be able to find out where Elijah is."

"Are you sure we have to save him?" Maddie asked quietly while leaning forward towards Hayley's ear. She turns and glares at Maddie as Maddie raises her hands in surrender and walked around to pour herself a glass of bourbon.

"Okay, so what do you want from us?" Marcel asks as he went to stand beside his daughter.

"Just a little distraction. Esther's son, Finn, he's the one that's controlling the werewolves. If you can keep him out of the way than me and Hayley can go and get her stray werewolf." Maddie finished her drink and began to leave but Marcel stopped her.

"You can't take on all those werewolves by yourselves. You'll get killed...and then I'll get killed for letting that happen." He said looking at her worriedly.

"We're not going in alone." Hayley speaks up as Maddie nodded pointing to her. "Werewolves may be answering to the witches but they still have an alpha. I just have to find him."

Life and Death | THE ORIGINALS [2] {BEING EDITED}Where stories live. Discover now