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Marcel was in the process of growing a whole new community of vampires. Maddison knew how this went. She's seen him recruit new vampires her whole life. Marcel was picky, which was understandable, if the wrong person were to be a vampire then it would make things bad. Maddie stood outside of her dads loft as she was surrounded by 10-15 potential recruits.

Maddie saw her dad making his way over to Elijah, who she now just noticed, and walked over to the two. "Elijah, didn't expect to see you on this side of the river."

"I didn't expect to see you assemble a new vampire community. I guess we're both full of surprises." Elijah responds with a fake smile.

"My community was fine until Klaus had a brilliant idea to make moonlight rings. Now that harvest girl is making more," the three walk away from the group of newly turned vampires as Marcel continues, "offering them to the wolves in exchange for their allegiance. The wolves, just kneeling at her feet. The only quarters become a dangerous place. And you, you're the last true vampire left. If you ask me, you're better off joining my community. Maybe that's why you're here."

Elijah smiles and shakes his head while making a sound of disagreement. "I came to make you an offer. Find me the white oak stake and I'll let this social experiment continue."

"Elijah." Maddison warned him carefully. "Even if we wanted to help, we don't have a clue where it is."

"Yes, but you do have an ally in Davina. She can find it. Or you Maddison." Elijah says looking over at Maddie who grew nervous. She had felt a...shift regarding her magic. She figured it might have been the lack of practice as a child. Elijah noticed her silence and looked to Marcel as he speaks, "See I'd speak to her myself but I feel the conversation would come a little unpleasant."

"You don't go anywhere near her." Marcel warns him in a low demanding voice.

"Then it's settled." Elijah places his hand on Marcels arm, "you'll deal with the matter personally." Elijah smiles at the two and walks off with Maddison following shortly.

Elijah and Maddie stood side by side as they watch two civilians playing chess. "Davina's on her way. By the time she gets here, you need to be gone." Marcel says to Elijah as he walks up to the two.

"I'm not going anywhere until I know the whereabouts of that stake." He said not glancing Marcels way for a second.

"You think she's gonna cooperate with you standing here?" Maddie let out a laugh at Elijah.

"First thing I learned living with your family, wherever you people go, threats and bloodshed are soon to follow. So, just stay out of sight. Try not to kill anyone." Marcel tells him as Maddie and Marcel go to his loft to meet Davina.

Maddie was stood looking out the window when she heard footsteps approaching. She turned her head to see Davina walking in, a smile etched on her face as she does.

"Long time, little D." Marcel smiles widely as he stands up.

"Got your message. What's going on?" Davina asked.

"Oh, come here. I don't get a hug?" He asked as she walks forward and wraps her arms around his neck.

"It's good to see you, Marcel." She says quietly before the two pull away.

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