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Maddison stood with her eyes closed as she focused on everything around her. In a quick flash, she quickly snapped her hand in front of her face, catching the dart and smiled as she opened her eyes.

"Pay up." She laughed holding her hand out to the guy that threw it. She stuffed the money in her back pocket and walked up behind Josh. "Cool profile." She told him laughing as he jumped at her presence.

"Any prospects?" Marcel asked Josh as he took a seat and handing him a drink.

"None." Maddie said sitting down on the arm of Josh's chair as the two men both raise their eyebrows at her.

"Well, since you asked, yeah, there's this one guy. I mean, we've only been messaging so far but I think I like him. Like, really like him." Josh answers.

"So what's the problem?" Maddie asked not understanding why he's not jumping on this guy.

"Oh, I don't know. Might of left a few things out of the old profile. For example, what's got two thumbs and drinks blood to survive. Oh, right. This guy," Josh smiles sarcastically and lifts his two thumbs up as one hand has his drink and the other his phone.

The father and daughter duo chuckled as Josh smiles sheepishly before all three of them stood up at the crashing sound and a vampires body flung through Marcel's loft window.

Growling was heard and a whole bunch of werewolves came in from every entrance.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?" Gia asks walking towards the group. "We didn't do anything."

"This is nothing your kind hasn't done to us. Learn your history." A guy says as he walks forward.

"I don't know who the hell you are. We had a deal. Vampires stay out of the quarter, everybody's cool." Marcel told the man calmly.

"That's not good enough anymore." The mystery guy responds.

Josh's face was full of shock as Marcel responded. "Oh yeah? Says who? You, or that witch you all answer to now. Lenore, right? Never thought I see the day...proud werewolves on a witches leash. I hope those rings you're wearing are worth it."

The werewolf let's out a small laugh looking to one of his friends. The man nodded at him and his friend turned to one of the vampires. He went to going to bite him as Gia screamed but Maddison sped to the wolf and ripped his heart out of his chest. Another wolf went to attack Josh but the man called them off.

Maddie walked over to the mystery guy as she looked at her bloody hand. "I don't care who you are and I don't care why you're here but the second that you go hurting the people I care about is when I start ripping all of your friends hearts out. Wolves or not." Maddie bring her hand up to his throat, squeezing it harshly and let the veins underneath her eyes trickle down. "Now, take your friends and get the hell out of my dads place or it's gonna be your heart next." Maddie let go of him and watched as he dropped to the ground, trying to catch his breath.

He looked up at her and then over to Marcel ad he stood up. "Your privileges here have been revoked, permanently." He said in anger. "So when we come back, you need to be gone because next time I won't call them off. Consider this a warning, Marcel. It's the only one you going to get."

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