Escaping Reality

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Lucas' POV

The first time she comes in I take notice of her long brunette hair and her chocolate brown eyes but I don't let my gaze linger too long. She was just another girl in the sea of people I saw every day.

Then she came in again. And again. And again. By now I've learned that her name is Riley and that she's an English major that's obsessed with classic literature. She checks out a new book every week and every week I scan her book and send her on her way without so much as a word.

It's Monday morning and I'm opening the library as I do everyday and I see her flash of brunette hair sprawled out over one of the lounge chairs in the corner. She has Pride and Prejudice on her chest and I realize she must've fallen asleep here last night. I chuckle at the thought of the beautiful brunette getting so lost in her book that she drifts off without even closing it.

I gnaw my bottom lip moving the book from her chest but I startle her and her brilliant brown eyes pop open in shock. "What are you doing?" she asks dazedly, looking up at me.

"Um" I stutter. "I was just." I pause unsure what I was really doing.

"Just what?" she questions as she eyes her book. "May I have that back?" she asks softly, motioning to the book still in my hand.

"Sorry" I apologize, handing it back to her.

"Thank you" she smiles taking the book from me. "You work here don't you?" she asks curiously, sitting up.

"Yea" I nod. "I'm Lucas."

"Riley" she introduces, "but I'm sure you know that since you've seen my library card" she giggles and I swear the sound is the cutest thing I've ever heard.

"I did know that" I agree, "but it's nice to formally meet you" I add making a smile pull at her lips.

"You too" she replies sweetly. "But are you gonna tell me what you were doing?" she giggles.

"I honestly don't know" I admit, running my fingers through my hair. "You kinda fascinate me" I add as a blush falls on her cheeks. "Do you fall asleep here a lot?" I ask curiously.

"Um no not really" she replies as I sit on the table across from her. "But I fall asleep reading a lot" she explains. "It's my happy place."

"Books have a way of offering an escape" I agree as she looks at me intrigued.

"It sounds like you speak from experience" she says conversationally.

"Perhaps I do" I admit softly. "Secret for a secret?" I ask the adorable brunette. She seems to think it over and a small smile pulls at her lips as she nods.

"Okay" she whispers, "you first" she adds.

"In Texas when I was younger I wasn't the best kid. I got into fights all the time and ended up in a lot of trouble. I moved here to New York my senior year of high school and the adjustment was beyond difficult. I didn't have many friends so books kinda became my friends. The characters made it easy to slip away and forget my problems for a while."

"I get it" she nods. "I uh" she stutters. "I've been bullied ever since I was I was thirteen" she explains making my eyes widen in shock. "Books are my escape from my life. They make me feel like I'm not alone" she explains making my heart shatter into a million pieces.

"I'm sorry Riles" I say softly, taking her hand in mine. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here" I add making a smile pull at her lips.

"Thanks Lucas" she replies as the door opens and a student wanders in. "I should probably go" she sighs as she stands up and gathers her stuff.

"Yea um okay" I stutter as I stand up with her. "I'll see you around?" I ask hopefully.

"Yea" she nods with a soft smile. "See you around Lucas" she adds before walking off.

The next time she comes into the library to check out a book we share a smile and I slip my number into the book hoping and praying she'll text me back. A few days later I receive a text from an unknown number and a smile pulls at my lips.

UNKNOWN: Found an interesting bookmark.....

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