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Lucas' POV

I'm woken up for the millionth time by my daughter kicking me. I moan in annoyance as I turn around and find my wife sleeping soundly with our daughter beside her. This had been going on for a month. Lily would get spooked by something in the middle of the night and she would find her way into our bed. It was fine the first couple of times but after almost thirty days straight I was in dire need of a good night's sleep and some quality time with Riley. I grab my phone off the nightstand and head into the bathroom attached to our room, locking the door behind me. I sit on the edge of the tub and open my messages finding one from Josh.

JOSH: Guys night. Need to escape!

I laugh to myself. Maya was seven months pregnant and she was driving Josh insane. Her hormones were more all over the place than my daughter's movements at night.

LUCAS: Same. See you tonight.

I put my phone down and climb into the shower turning on the water. I start my shower as normal but it's not long before impure thoughts of Riley fight their way in and I turn the water to cold. After my shower I wrap a towel around my waist and head into my bedroom where Lily seems to have vanished and Riley is sitting up in bed. "Hey" she smiles brightly.

"Hi" I reply as I grab a pair of boxers and pull them on. "How are this morning?"

"Okay" she shrugs. "Lily is in the living room watching cartoons. I'm gonna go make some breakfast."

"Whatever" I shrug as I pull on a pair of jeans. "I'm going out tonight by the way" I add as she stands and wanders over to the door.

"What?" she pauses and turns back to me.

"Yea. Guys night" I shrug. "I'll be home around eleven probably. You don't have to wait up."

She stares back at me with a look that I can't quite decipher. It's one I haven't seen before. "Okay" she says softly before padding out of the room.


"Thanks" I smile at the bartender. She's cute but she's not nearly as drop dead beautiful as my Riley. Her gaze lingers a bit too long making me shift in my seat uncomfortably when Josh wanders in.

"Lucas" he exclaims. "What's up man?" he asks as he gives me a bro hug.

"Nothing much" I sigh as I sip my drink. "What's up with you? How's the wife?"

"Going fucking nuts. I can't do anything right. She even critiques sex now. Evidently I've forgotten how to do it" he rolls his eyes. I laugh and shake my head. "How are things with my niece?"

"Riles?" I shake my head. "Fine I guess."

"You guess?" Josh asks before ordering a beer. "What's up?"

"Nothing it's just Riley lets Lily sleep in our bed every fucking night" I moan in annoyance. "I miss my wife. It's not even just the sex either, though that's a huge part but you just get used to it" I shrug. "Having that one person always next to you."

"I get it" Josh agrees. "When I'm away from Maya I sleep like shit."

"And I don't want to bring it up because it's my kid you know? And I love her but I just need some time alone with Riles. Especially since we've been talking so much about expanding. I mean Lil is three, we're ready to have another one but how the hell is that gonna happen?"

"I think you should talk to Riles. Maybe she's just as frustrated and just hides it better" he shrugs. I sigh and down my drink.

"I'm gonna head home. Thanks Josh."

"Anytime howdy" he teases making me laugh as I settle my tab and walk out of the bar. I climb into the car and head home. When I walk in the house is pitch black. I kick off my shoes and walk down the hall to my bedroom, stopping when the sounds of crying fill my ears. Was Riley crying?

I pick up my pace and step into the doorway of our bedroom finding Riley sobbing while paging through our wedding album. "Riles" I say softly causing her chocolate brown eyes to meet mine.

"You're home" she says sounding shocked.

"Of course I'm home" I reply confused as I shut our bedroom door, selfishly locking it behind me. Lily would have to wait tonight. "Why wouldn't I be home?"

"I don't know. You tell me" she whispers making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I sit on the bed in front of her.

"Princess I feel like I'm missing something here."

"Who is she?" she asks making my eyes widen as I stare at my beautiful wife. The only woman who I've ever loved. The only woman who I'll ever love.

"Baby no" I insist as I throw the wedding album onto the floor and grab my wife's hands. "Riley Eleanor Friar I would never cheat on you" I say seriously as I stare into her eyes. "I was with Josh tonight. We both just needed a night out."


"Yes Josh. As in your uncle who's married to Maya."

"Why did you need a night out?" she asks confused.

"Because as much as I adore our daughter I'm so beyond frustrated that I can't think straight" I admit making a blush rise on my wife's cheeks.

"Oh" she giggles making me chuckle as I reach forward and kiss her. Her lips are soft against mine as we kiss passionately, my tongue slipping into her mouth eliciting a moan from the beautiful brunette. I grab her hips and shift her body so she's lying on her back while I pull back the blankets and climb on top of her. She's only wearing a nightgown so it's easy for my hands to slide underneath it and up her thighs causing her to moan as she tugs my hair. She undoes the belt on my jeans and quickly unzips them before yanking them down with my boxers just enough to free me. I yank her panties down her legs and waste no time in shifting forward and filling my beautiful princess completely. "Lucas" she sighs, clutching my back as her legs wrap around my torso pushing me deeper.

"Riley" I moan as the feeling of finally being connected to her again overwhelms me.

"Faster baby" she begs as her eyes roll back while her body arches into mine. I do as she asks and thrust even faster, the bed creaking beneath us. "I missed you so much" she sighs.

"I missed you too princess" I whisper, peppering her porcelain skin with kisses while I worked her towards her climax. Her body begins to tremble beneath mine as a faint knock is heard on our door. "Shit. It's Lil" I breathe heavily.

"No" Riley shakes her head. "I'm almo-." She cuts herself off as her body gives out and she explodes around me. Her eyes clench shut and her back arches off the bed while a loud moan falls from her lips. The sight of my girl in ecstasy sends me right over the edge as I finish with a low groan before collapsing on top of Riley.

"Mommy" Lily says from outside our door.

"Our baby needs you" I pant as Riley nods and pushes my hair back from my eyes.

"So did you" she replies with labored breath. "I'm sorry baby."

"It's okay" I assure her. "We're good Riles. Beyond good actually" I laugh causing her to blush as I lean up to press a kiss to her trembling lips. "I love you."

"I love you too" she replies sweetly before I climb off her and allow her to get dressed while I head off to the bathroom for a shower. When I get back Riley and Lily are snuggled up in bed but unlike most nights Riley is still awake with Lily snuggled up beside her.

"You could've gone to bed" I smile as I go to climb beside Lily but Riley shakes her head.

"Here" she pats the bed beside her while she carefully maneuvers our daughter to my end of the bed allowing me to curl up behind Riley. I wrap my arms around her tiny waist and kiss her shoulder, nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck. "Better?" she asks softly as her eyes flutter shut.

"Much better. Goodnight princess."

"Goodnight bear" she replies making me smile as we drift off to sleep.  

The Princess & The Cowboy: A Collection of Rucas One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now