Down the Drain

671 19 2

Riley's POV

I've been engaged for less than twenty-four hours. We haven't even had time to call the family to tell them and yet I've somehow managed to lose my ring.

Well, I haven't lost it. I know where it is. The issue is that I can't quite reach it.

I had taken it off for a shower and placed it beside the sink...which was admittedly stupid and when I had been toweling off I had realized that it was gone.

Lucas was going to kill me.

"Alright babe, I'm gonna go get us some food. I'll be back." Lucas shouts from the bedroom. We had finally climbed out of bed due to immense hunger and Lucas had volunteered to pick something up while I showered.

"Okay" I yell back, panicking internally. I had to get my ring back.

So, I do the most logical thing I can think of.

I call Maya. "Honey! I thought you died" she exclaims dramatically. I may have ignored a few of her calls last night.

"Not yet." I reply, biting into my bottom lip. "Peaches, I have to tell you something and you cannot freak out. Okay?"

A pause. "Are you pregnant?"

I roll my eyes. Every single time I had something to tell her she guessed that I was pregnant and every time I assured her that it was possible to live with someone without procreating.

"No. But I am engaged."

I have to take the phone from my ear due to the resulting scream from my best friend. I chuckle softly. "Oh my god! Tell me everything" she says when she stops screaming.

I sigh. "I would love to but I have a problem...I sorta dropped the ring down the drain."


"I know. I know. What do I do?" I panic, beginning to pace back and forth.

"Is he there?"

"He went to get lunch."

"Good. Stall him. I'll be there in five."

And within five minutes my best friend is in my bathroom, underneath the sink while I continuously add things to my lunch order. It's lucky that I'm engaged to such a patient man. "How's it going down there?" I ask Maya.

"Well, I think that once I turn this-."

Water sprays everywhere. I briefly recall an episode of Full House when the girls had this same thing happen and a lightbulb goes off in my head. "We have to turn the water off" I exclaim, rushing around the room to find the valve.

Maya is standing up, slipping as she tries to find her balance meanwhile, I'm kneeling down behind the toilet and turning the small knob ceasing the constant flow of water to a slow trickle until it stops altogether.

"Good to know I didn't miss my calling as a plumber" Maya jokes.

I laugh softly, leaning back against the toilet and pushing my damp hair back from my face.

"What the hell is going on here?" My head snaps towards the intrusion, finding my fiancè standing in the doorway with lunch in hand.

Maya looks towards me, deer in headlights. I bring my lip between my teeth and look towards Lucas. "I uh sorta lost my ring. It fell down the drain and I didn't want to tell I called Maya."

Lucas puts the food down on the floor beside his feet. "I should say that I'm surprised....but I'm not."

He rolls up his sleeves and takes careful steps into the bathroom. Maya moves out of his way and after climbing under the sink for a total of three minutes he reemerges with my ring in his hand.

"You found it!"

"Yea well, Maya did a good job getting the pipe off. She just forgot to turn off the water first. Rookie mistake." He teases. Maya flips him off.

Lucas laughs as he stands up and presents the ring to me. "Please, don't ever take this off. Okay?"

"Trust me, I won't" I reply, sliding the ring back onto my finger and taking his helpful hand. I look towards Maya, a soft smile gracing my lips. "Thank you for coming."

"It's what best friends are for...even if they don't call with their big news immediately after it happens" she teases, pulling me in for a hug. "Love you honey."

"Love you too Peaches." And then, after a quick, playful dig at Lucas, she's out the door. Leaving me along with my fiancè once more.

"Hungry?" He asks, motioning to the forgotten food.

I place my hand over my grumbling stomach. "Starving. Who knew that plumbing could make you so hungry?"

We take the bags and head towards the bed to spread it all out. I reach into the first bag and find my large fry. "Did you remember my shake?" It had been something that I had added as a distraction but I loved dipping my fries into my shakes.

"Of course I did. I left it in the kitchen on accident. If I go get it can you promise to keep your ring on your finger till I get back." I flip him off and he laughs, standing up and tipping my chin up as he walks past me. "I'm kidding. I love you."

"I love you more" I reply, reaching up for a kiss with my ring resting securely on my finger where it belongs.

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