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Hello everyone!
I'm not going to beat around the bush. Before starting to publish the chapters, I want to clear out a few things.

1. I do NOT want any hate comments. If I see one, I'll immediately delete it and if you comment again I'll simply block you.

2. I do not want anyone to copy my work. If you copy my work, you'll have to face serious consequences.
(My fellow readers, if you find a work copied from me, please inform me asap, Thank you!)

3. My work is original. So if it seems similar to a story you've read before, its just a simple coincidence. But still you can let me know so I might edit mine.

4. There will be mistakes in this book. I mean grammatically. Although before publishing every chapter I'll cross check it but by any chance if I miss something, you can comment and tell me. I'll gladly correct it. But seriously I DO NOT want any hate comments just because I did a grammar mistake!

If you do not like this book, instead of saying something bad please just leave a comment giving me a reason as to why you do not like it.

Thats it!
Thank you :)
Happy reading!!

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