Falling In Love After Your Gone

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New Ianthony Fanfiction Hope You Like it .

Ian Pov,

I waited for Anthony to get home from his date with Kalel. It was past twelve in the morning and I was starting to get worried right when I hear the door open and close shut.

"Anthony?" I asked loudly as I sat on the couch, I see him walk in with messy hair and hickeys on his neck and I just exploded in anger.

"YOU WERE OUT GETTING LAID WHILE I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!?" I screamed loudly and stood up seeing him roll his eyes at me.

"I was just with Kalel, Ian." He mumbled at me, walking to his bedroom.

"You should have called." I said staring at the back at him as he stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned around staring back at me.

"You're not my father, Ian. I don't have to do anything you say." He said lowly at me and I backed up slightly,

"I was just worried about you." I mumbled. looking down when feeling his brown eyes staring at me.

Anthony Pov,

"Yeah well don't worry about me." I sneer slightly tired of Ian always getting on my back about Kalel.

"What's wrong with you ?" Ian asked looking up at me with large sad blue eyes .

"What's wrong with me? You're always getting on my back about Kalel and how late I come home." I said in frustration running a hand threw my hair .

"Maybe you should spend more time with your best friend ." He sneered at me as I step back slightly.

"I do spend time with you." I said trying to defend myself. He laughed sarcastically at me.

"Right. You mean the Smosh videos when were making and editing them. That's not spending time together." He said bitterly.

"Maybe if you didn't always get on me about my girlfriend I would spend time with you." I yelled at him as I see his eyes start to water.

"She's not right for you Anthony." He said in a whisper tone as he stared at me brokenly.

"Who do you think you are?" I sneer stepping closer to him and see him gulp.

"I'm just telling the truth Anthony." He mumbled looking down again as I take another step closer to him with anger in my eyes.

"Then who is Ian ?" I asked, raising an eye brow feeling anger boil inside me at Ian's words .

"I don't know. Just not her." He whined slightly and I got in his face.

"Stay out of my relationship, Ian." I sneered closely to his face.

Ian Pov,

I gulped at the closeness of mine and Anthony's face as I slowly leaned in, I brushed my lips against his but a moment later I feel myself being pushed to the ground and see  him look at me in shock.

"W-why would you do that?" He stuttered backing away from me.

"Anthony I'm sorry." I say in full panic mode seeing him stare at me in disgust.

"I'm with Kalel, Ian. I'm in love with her." He said looking me in the eyes as my heart broke at his words.

"I know I shouldn't have done that." I say looking down at the rug running my hands over the soft yet rough texture not wanting to see Anthony's facial expression .

"Yeah you shouldn't have ." I heard him say agreeing with me as I sighed looking up at him. just noticing he had a ring on his ring finger now.

"W-whats that ?" I stutter in fear of what it was as he looked at it with a half way smile the smile I came to fall in love with.

"Oh I proposed to Kalel tonight ." He said with a huge grin as I stood up feeling my heart snap in half.

"Of course you did." I mumble under my breath turning away from him.

"You cant seriously be mad, Ian . it's not like your in love with me or anything the kiss didn't mean anything, right ?" He asked as I looked at him trying to hide my sadness.

"Right. I'm going out for a little while." I mumble grabbing my car keys going to the door.

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