Chapter 1 - Shadow wolves

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Chapter 1

There are three types of vampire in this world, an Original, a Neoqui and a Samren. That's what Isobel, my best friend is, a Samren, one of the mortal vampires.

Samren are different to other vampires, they can walk in the sun without burning, at least for a while. Being a Samren is pretty much like being a human, aside from the obvious food preferences as well as a few other perks. The most important thing about the Samren is that they're good, they don't kill people, and they definitely don't kill other Samren for if they do they suffer great consequences. They see themselves more as guardians, people who ought to protect the world around them.

The second type of vampire is a Neoqui, they are the complete opposite of a Samren. Neoqui are not born... They are made. Back to the consequence of killing people, if a Samren kills a fellow Samren, doesn't matter by what means, they become a Neoqui. Made into a monster, a being without a soul, devoid of any emotion, they only care for two things - blood and power. So that's the first way to become a Neoqui, the other way also involves someone dying and someone 'awakening'. Where as the first way is by choice the second way can happen to you against your will, if a Neoqui gives you their blood and then drains your blood dry, well, you become one too. Because of this, all Samren are taught to fear Neoqui because it's the fear that stops them playing hero and sacrificing themselves, because one more Neoqui means tens more deaths.

The last type of vampire, I'm not sure they even exist, they're a thing of legend, a myth. No one knows much about them though every so often you'll hear a whisper of them or their inner circle. No one knows much about them, people who do usually end up dead pretty quickly. All I know about them is these mythical vampires are supposedly very old, as in multiple thousands, if you ever find yourself caught up with anything to do with anyone to do with them you're in deep trouble, or you have a death wish or - 

"Clara!" Said Isobel looking at me expectantly. I'd done it again, zoned out, for the third time that day.

"Uh, sorry, blanked out there for a second. What were you saying again?" I turned my gaze from the clear, night sky back to Isobel. "I was saying we're nearly in Portland." After looking down the road I could see she was right, in the distance I could see the outline of all the buildings not to mention the light which was a contrast to the blackness everywhere else. We were about ten miles away from Portland and travelling on the Sunset Highway - what kind of name was that for a road? It sounded so cheesy, -  it'd be about ten minutes before we reached the hotel.

To one side of me I could see cars, the road and trees as well as the blackness of the sky, to my other side was also trees and darkness.

Isobel 'appreciated' all trees and wildlife, she thought they had a certain beauty which was 'beyond anything man could make'. Then again, she was also the type of person who'd say plants had souls and feelings. I, on the other hand, didn't share her views, trees were just that, trees. If I was going to spend time thinking about anything it would be training or partying. 

"Yeah, won't be long until we get to the penthouse suite at the hotel. We can only spend a couple of days here though, we'll have to get back soon before term starts again." Isobel was about to reply when suddenly the car lurched forward causing the occupants of the car to jerk forward roughly. I turned too look out the back window but couldn't spot anything.

"No one there..." I muttered quietly, knowing I hadn't imagined it. Just then, out of the corner of my eye I saw something run by. Focusing on that area I saw something bounding towards us.

"Oh no." My eyes widened in realization of what was coming towards us, we would be very lucky to survive this. 

"What?" Asked Isobel, panicking. She could see there was something wrong, something dangerous.

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