Chapter 7 - unfinished

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A van someone in the outskirts of London, the same day

"Now now Jeremy. You were supposed to grab the girl not let her get away." A man with a deep voice said in a disapproving voice.

"I know, not my fault a band of Protectors decided to turn up is it?" The scrawny Neoqui hissed.

"You know how I feel about excuses. You failed, now she'll know. She finds out everything, especially about that little Dhampir! I sent you because I thought you could get the job done, I was obviously mistaken." The older Neoqui seethed in anger, why didn't he just do it himself? Operations like this were very sensitive, one slip up and you were dead, one whisper and you were done for.

"No, I can finish the job, give me more time."

"I'm afraid your time is up Jeremy." With that the older Neoqui turned and climbed into the front of the van then pressed a button that put the divider between the two part of the van. Then he pressed another button which opened the back van doors, letting the sunlight in, killing the Noequi.

"He fucked up everything, I'm going to be in some trouble if I can't fix this quickly. I gave him weeks yet he still failed. The news will already have reached her now but she won't be able to lead anything back to me... Yet." The Neoqui said, in his own monologue. He thought of how he would get the girl, she was the key, but to which door, he didn't know.


Another van, also on the outskirts of London. (because hey, why not have two vans!)

"Thank you for the update, have you found any leads as to who it was?" A young looking guy asked whilst unloading things from the truck.

"Yes, we're on to it now but I'm afraid it was one of the trusted." Replied another equally young, pale looking guy.

"The inner circle?" The first man asked. A nod was the answer. "As I feared, our inner circle has been breached. I will be sure to inform her and we will take the appropriate actions, your service is welcome." 

The second man walked off towards a waiting taxi, leaving the other on his own. The first man locked the van and walked into the house in front of him and went downstairs to the chiller that was half full with bloodbags.

"O negative, my favorite." As he poured the blood into a tumbler a young woman walked in.

"Hello Astrid. Care for a drop?" He offered. "How's the recent lot been?"

"Far more interesting than you'd guess actually. And no thank you Rob, already had my fill for the day. Is she back yet?" Astrid replied, walking over towards the electric fireplace at the end of the room.

"Nope, she's doing what she spends her lot of her time doing, she's changed so much. She's even more erratic now, you can tell, it's nearly time. But that's a topic for another time." He smiled, finishing his drink.

"You are right, it is nearly time. I saw her." Astrid nodded before jumping onto the sofa. "Don't you love this sofa? It's the most comfertable thing I've ever sat on." Astrid sighed, relaxing her muscles after a tense day.

"The girl she talks about? The one that signals the start?" Jeremy asked, slightly awed. Astrid nodded slightly. Jeremy was a dear friend, been with them since the very beginning but Clara had never trusted him enough to say what was so imperative about this girl. Astrid couldn't blame her, if any Neoqui scum found out the heirarchy of the dark vampires would surely fall into dissaray. This girl would grow to create something so influential in the vampire world...

"Well, I can't stay and chat. People to kill and all that. What news on the Neoqui who attacked her?" Astrid said casually, twirling a strand of her hair through her fingers. She was happy to talk to Jeremy, recently she'd always been busy so many loose ends to tie up, that's how it was nowadays. Astrid was like the second in command, helping to rule over Neoqui, not quite rule, just get them to do her bidding, making sure the inner circle didn't get breached, she helped the most powerful person in the world.


A very short chapter but here ya go.

Vampire academy fanfic - on indefinite hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now