Chapter 3 - True or false?

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Isobel hadn't arrived when I awoke so I tried to make sense of the dream and if it even was a dream in the first place.

After spending an hour thinking I was no closer to deciding whether to believe Astrid's words of not. The only way to know for sure was to try and test these new found 'powers' I now had. The simplest would be to see if I could sense Isobel's thoughts, but I had no idea how I was going to do that because I couldn't sense anything.

That was the moment Isobel walked in and sat down on the chair beside the bed. I focused on her and in a matter of a seconds I could feel someone else's feelings, it wasn't very strong, probably because of the painkillers but they were there nonetheless.

"Hey." I said quietly, studying her intently, wondering how she might have been able to 'take me back' as Astrid had put it.

"Hi Clara. You look better."

"I feel better too, a little less confused. Any chance you could get them to discharge me?" I gave a hopeful smile, deciding we needed to leave as soon as possible, deciding to take Astrids closing words as a warning of danger.

"Already taken care of caught them just in time, they were about to run a blood test, things would've gotten messy."

I was a Dhampir. The name Dhampir originally came from Balkan folklore and meant someone who was half vampire and half human. Neither of my parents were human, my father was an Italian Samren, my mother, a Dhampir. If two Dhampirs had children, or a Dhampir and a Samren had children, thy would always be born a Dhampir, one of those confusing genetic things.

Whenever I thought of my father, I came up with a blank canvas. My mum never talked about him, all I knew was he was Italian and his name was Abraham.

Things weren't that much different with my mother. Unlike my father, I'd spoken with her a few times and she would send a letter every year or two to ask about my training even though I knew she only asked to be polite. She was a protector to one of the most important princes in the Samren community, Isaac Drottnangu. To protect a royal was something only the very best got the opportunity to do, one of the highest honours a protector could receive.

Dhampirs were trained right from a young age to be protectors to the Samren. For our first couple school years we'd just be normal school kids but after a while we would begin learning more about what it entailed to be a protector, by the time we were thirteen we would spend half the school day training - physical and theory training - and the other half continuing with normal school studies. Because of the daily exercise most Dhampirs ended up as very good protectors but of course some students outshone others.

My mother devoted her whom existence to protecting the prince, as soon as I was old enough to be away from my mother I was sent to a kind of nursery, then, when I was three I was off to the school. Since then I'd only seen Sophie Reed - aka mother - a handful of times.

"We're free to go."

Isobel left so I could get changed  and within half an hour we were on our way back to the hotel.

I couldn't help but feel that someone was watching us. Astrid had warned me to leave with Isobel, even if I didn't understand anything that was going on I didn't want Isobel to end up hurt, though I wouldn't have minded a little drama to keep things interesting.

"Where are we off to tonight?" Asked Isobel assuming we'd go out like we normally did.

"We're leaving." I said flatly. 

"We're going back? That flight doesn't leave for another two days." Isobel was looking at me with a confused expression on her face. I turned around, checking again that no one was following us. 

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