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We all walked around for a bit, trying to work out where we were. I didn't understand how that would help us though, we needed to find people if we could, perhaps not confront them at first, we had to make sure they weren't hostile. But even if we did manage to identify this planet how would that help us get back to earth? But I didn't say anything, it was obvious the Doctor didn't seem to like me, the other two seemed quite hesitant to, I didn't want to risk them deciding they could do just as well without me, because if they ditched me here I'd be pretty stuck to say the least.

"Doctor, we've been walking all day, do you have any idea where we are." Rory asked. No one except myself had noticed that Amy had dropped behind us. Actually, now that I turned around to see if she was still close enough I couldn't see her at all. Now was probably a good time to tell them about her disappearance, I was surprised they'd been oblivious this long. Or perhaps I could just get her on my own, I'd be back for they could even say the word Raxacoricofallapatorius.

I turned around and started trekking through the foliage, this place was a cross between the Amazon rainforest and a British woods, and things only got worse as I started backtracking to where we'd started. The foliage was getting thicker, everything was more suffocating, it was so dark I could only make out the faint outline of things that were directly in front of me - and for a Dhampir, who had better senses than humans, that was saying something - but that didn't stop me from hitting me head on low branches every few minutes. Nevertheless I carried on, even though I knew that this was definitely not the right way, if I stopped now I'd end up getting even more lost. It wasn't like me to lose my bearings this way, I was a Dhampir! Not some petty tourist hiker!

Soon things started to get brighter, at last I was getting somewhere! It turned out that the 'somewhere' was a meadow. Maybe this place wasn't as jungle-like as I thought. Still, there was no sign of Amy, nor anyone else for that matter. Never mind, if I just carried on walking I'd have to find somewhere familiar sometime, there was probably a sort of logical formula or something to prove it. Then I froze, not daring to move, just listening. I swore I heard something move. Well, yes of course something's gonna move, you didn't think you were the only living things on this planet! 

Of course there would be living things, but that didn't make it any more comforting. Would they be people like me? Would it just be a butterfly? For all I knew it could be more angels! That was not something I wanted, if I never saw a weeping angel again it would be too soon. Why was I being so paranoid all of a sudden.

I was so busy in my chain of thought, trying to work out what had caused this bout of paranoia, because I didn't get paranoid, I'd been trained to kill Neoqui, I'd been trained to be fearless, that was the goal wasn't it? I guess, up 'til now I'd never been in a real life situation, it was all simulations and set ups, things you were aloud to feel perfectly safe in, because you knew that's exactly what they were. Being this occupied thinking I didn't notice the drop in front of me that marked the top of a very steep hill, well I say I didn't notice, I did... Once I was already tumbling down it.

I ended up somewhere I didn't expect, we were in the middle of a jungle yet I appeared to be at a more modern version of the school back in London. And I was being surrounded by a group of military looking people with guns... Nope not good.

"Everything okay back there?" Rory called back, only now noticing the uncharacteristic quietness behind them. Amy was never one to be in the back seat, more like back seat driver. When he turned around there was no one there, both Clara and Amy were gone.

"Doctor..." Rory said quietly, when he didn't stop he repeated the word again a little louder. Still no response, was this really how they were when they talked? It was like this guy was in a whole different place, rambling on about an element or something that he'd just picked up, the words meant nothing to him.

"Doctor!" Rory shouted, this time physically pushing him to get his attention. "Where are Clara and Amy?" This got his attention. 

Rory's first thought was that Clara had taken Amy. His second was that someone had taken Clara and Amy. He didn't know which was worse, after all, the three of them knew how deadly Clara could be, only she didn't realise it yet...

"Why didn't you tell me they'd gone!" The Doctor shouted, almost in a childish manner. 

"Why didn't you tell me they'd gone!" Rory replied, offended that it was now his job to look out for everyone, it was as much his fault as it was Rory's. But, oh no, nothing was ever his fault.

"It wasn't my job to watch them!" The Doctor shouted back. If there was anyone near us they'd be sure to find us with the noise we were making.

"It wasn't mine either!" And that's how things carried on for a while, the doctor shouted a statement, Rory shouted the same thing back.

"Okay, time out here. Priorities, we've got to find Amy." Rory said to the red faced Doctor. They were getting nowhere here bickering and it only meant more time and distance between the two women.

"That's what I was about to day.-" The Doctor said as if it was his plan all along. "-We'll go... This way." He pointed in some random direction and started walking, then turned around and went, "Actually, this way." The Doctor nodded as if confirming the fact to himself. Rory could tell this was going to be a looong journey.

Amy was exhausted, she didn't really know why, it was just a sudden bout of tiredness as if all her energy had been sapped out of her. She'd been stumbling through the woods for God know how long, long been left behind by everyone else.

"Why didn't I shout for them to stop?" Amy muttered her thought out loud.

"Because we made sure you didn't." Came a voice from behind her. Amy jumped around in shock, and found herself facing a cave. Had the cave been there before? "Welcome Amelia Pond, we've been expecting you."

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