And thus began the story...

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Clara's POV

I was surrounded by a group of military looking people. I probably could have fought my way out of whatever situation this was but not without injuries so I put both my hands into the air as a signal of surrender. Luckily, on this planet they still recognised the gesture. Even more to my surprise they spoke English.

"Miss, keep your hands in the air and don't move. Why don't you tell us how you got here." The man who spoke had the equivalent to an American accent. Would it be wise or not to say how she really got here? With these official looking people... I think not. One of the other guards stepped forward and spoke to the first man.

"Why the formalities? She's probably one of the academy's lot, lets go check her in." He said gruffly, no one seemed to oppose him so they gestured for me to get up and follow them. I went along with the theory, hoping it'd save a lot of trouble. So I was right when I'd said it looked like a school, only what kind of school would have the army?

As I walked inside I could tell immediately this was no ordinary school. For starters, everything looked modern, completely clean, but that could just mean it was an expensive school, right? Next were what I saw when looking through some of the windows that looked into the what I presumed were classrooms, I wasn't quite sure what the people were doing but it definitely wasn't normal school work.

We carried on down the hall, turning a few corners on the way to our destination, which seemed to be a reception of sorts.

"This one of yours got out." The first soldier said towards the young, scrawny man sitting behind a desk. He looked like a nurse with his uniform, only it was completely white. The young man didn't even look up from his clipboard only pointed, gesturing with his pen for me to go through.

"What kind of place is this?" I muttered, disgusted, when they pushed me into a room I could only describe as one for mental patients. The only thing missing was a straight jacket. One of the men walked back in, and, what a guess! He was carrying a straight jacket.

I knew it would be pointless for me to fight, I would wait out here for now at least, I could easily incapacitate the people I'd passed in the school but the whole army that seemed to have made their base a few blocks away? I was good but I wasn't that good. And thus began the story of how I spent the night in a cell feeling like I was in a mental asylum.


Rory and the Doctor

"Doctor we can't carry on like this, we're going in circles." Rory said angrily towards the Doctor who was pointedly ignoring every piece of advice he was giving.

"And what makes you say that?" The Doctor replied in an exasperated tone.

"Because we've passed that seven times now!" Rory pointed towards an unusual looking rock. He understood it was important for them to find Amy, just like it was important to find Clara, and then find civilisation but they needed rest too. In any normal situation Rory would have panicked by now, but they'd met the future Clara so that meant that they obviously survived and got out of this place somehow, didn't it? Yeah, otherwise how would she have got back to earth? Then again, when they'd saw her she didn't exactly seem to be where she should have been, what happens if it was them who'd stranded her! That was the problem with what Roy now called the 'River situation', when they first met you they knew you but you had no idea who they were but when you next met them you'd know them more and they'd know you less, maybe things would correct themselves so from then on everything was in order? Because Rory had no idea how she'd ended up where she had, and now they knew what lay in store for her but she didn't! And it was a real mind fuck for him!

"Rory!" The Doctor clicked in front of Rory's face, snapping him out of his deep thoughts. The doctor let Rory take the lead, after all Rory was two thousand years old, - the whole pandorica incident- nearly twice as old as himself, maybe his navigational skills had perfected with age. Turns out, he hadn't. And thus began the story of how they spent the night wandering around a forest-slash-jungle in completely random directions.



Amy was sitting in a circle full of druid-looking people, half of which looked scared out of their minds and she knew it wasn't because of her, she wasn't that intimidating, not last time she checked at least, which in all fairness was before she went off gallivanting around space with the Doctor.

From what she'd learnt so far they were in hiding, but from who or what she didn't know that much, only it was some military like force that came here some time ago, taking all the people with powers and sticking them in an 'academy' where they were never heard from again... Yeah, so not very nice. She was sure to mentally label the army people as definitely enemies. The people around her though, the 'caves people' as they called themselves, they went under 'acquaintances' because they weren't enemies, I could plainly see that but they seemed like the type of people that, though they had good intentions, they did more damage then help.

Luckily, they still had a seer her, hence how they had been 'expecting' her. She didn't get how every other planet seemed to have some magical type people except Earth, really, why were we so lacking?! There was a huge gap between Earth and a lot of other planets, technologically as well as in other ways, but Amy knew they'd catch up someday, after all things were coming on in leaps and bounds back in the U.S., well, they had been the last time she'd checked back home.

"Are you feeling better, red one?" Asked a woman sitting next to her, she looked to be in her late thirties, early forties, it was hard to tell, who knew how fast people aged here. And why was everyone calling her 'red one'?! She was ginger! Can they not just get over it?

"Red one?" The woman said again, waiting for an answer. It seems not.

"Yeah." I replied simply. I'd passed out once I'd got into the cave and whatever they'd done whilst I was sleeping, it had worked. I felt better than I had in days, buzzing with energy, unfortunately, now that I had it, I was stuck here, I couldn't leave, they were smothering me with attention I barely got two seconds to myself, and I couldn't see the way out of the cave, I had no idea how long I'd been here. It was beginning to worry me, I needed to find the Doctor, to find Rory, and Clara too! And this began the story of me meeting the cave tribes.

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