Chapter 4: Let the Hunt Begin

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Tekaren POV

"Do you know who you are?", asked the man with the misshaped helmet.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are, who I am, or anything." I responded his question

"I sense fear in you. Don't be afraid, young one. I am a friend. In fact I am your master of The Force. For now, you shall know as.....Lord Vader." The man known as Vader advised me

An round hovering droid came in and as it got closer to me

"Sleep now, young one. You will remember everything in short time." said Lord Vader and I was put to sleep.

"Ezra......Ezra." said a calm, warm voice. I opened my eyes and saw a young woman I didn't recognize. "Morning, blueberry." I didnt know why but I felt happy and warm. I smiled and she began to make out with me on a bed in a colorful room.

I woke up and I felt a roaring rage flow through me. The Rebellion took me from my family and loved ones. They slaughtered them like animals. I was let loose from my restraints.

"Good, Tekaren. Use your anger and hate. Let it give you power and focus." said my master.

I kneeled in front of him and asked, "What is thy bidding, Lord Vader?"

"Rise Tekaren, as my apprentice. You will complete your training and then you will slaughter the ones who took you from your family." said Lord Vader handing him a lightsaber

"Thy will be done, my Lord." I said obeying my master's command.

2 years later

Yavin 4, The Ghost

Sabine POV
"Ok, how about no more blind dates? You could go out with someone you know." Scarlett said.

Ever since Ezra died, she and Ketsu have been trying to set me up with random guys on blind dates. They were cute and funny, but they reminded me too much of him.

"Listen, Scar. I appreciate that you've been trying to get me back out there but I'm not ready for a relationship yet." I said. "I'm gonna take a walk."

I walked a couple feet away from The Ghost until I was in front of a tombstone surronded by flowers and candles.

"Hey, Ez. I really miss you. A lot actually. Things have been good around here lately. My mother joined The Alliance, I found my father, and I've been going on dates recently." I talked to the tombstone of my friend but then Gia walked up from behind me.

Gia had made my life absolute hell. She was a loose cannon amd an old friend of Ketsu from our bounty hunting days. I never liked her and she never liked me.

"What's wrong, Morny? Talking to your widow again?" She teased.

"At least I have a heart and unlike you, I don't have one night stands with every guy I met." I snapped back at her.

"If you weren't Ketsu's sister, I would drop your ass to hell." She threatened me

I walked closer to her and said, "You wanna go now? Put your money where your mouth is, bitch."

She pushed me to the ground, "You're not worth it." And she left me alone but I knew that it wasn't over.

Stygeon Prime

Tekaren POV

Ugh. When will it stop? It's been 2 whole years since I've had these dreams. Everytime I would try to get some sleep, I would see a girl with light tan skin and purple white hair.

"Brother, you are being summoned by Lord Vader to the battleground for your final examination." said Lord Starkiller.

Starkiller was the third version of the original Sith traitor, Galen Marek. The first chose love instead of his Empire and ended up dead. He was cloned from the original but he soon found the truth. The second chose the same fate. The third was the perfected version. We both trained under Lord Vader and even thought we were different ages, we treated and called each other brothers.

"Let's not keep the master waiting." I said

We walked into an elevator until Starkiller broke the silence, "You've been having those dreams again, haven't you?"

"Yes, they're all of the same girl, but I don't know if it's the pull of the light or a test from the Force." I said ashamed.

"Drain it out because for what's coming for you, you'll need to ready." suggested Starkiller.

As we entered the battleground on the lower levels of the Citadel, we saw many soliders and officers of the Imperial Navy around me like a colosuem with Lord Vader on a platform with Director Krennic, Govenor Pryce, Grand Moff Tarkin, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and The Emperor in a holographic form.

As Govenor Pryce walked up to the microphone, she began her speech, "Allies of The Empire, I proud to announce the ultimate Jedi hunter: Tekaren." A spotlight fell on me and the crowd claped like if it was Empire Day.

Then Tarkin began speaking, "Govenor Pryce, how will you prove that this agent is better than the Inquisitor program or the failed Project Starkiller? Or is this just another waste of time?"

"Oh but Govenor Tarkin, you are mistaken. There was one variable that separated the strong from the weak. Pain. Emotionally or physical pain was the weakness that could get through to anyone. But this agent can't feel any emotion. Tekaren was trained in every type of hand to hand combat with any type of weapon, from a simple scout pistol to a lightsaber from Darth Vader himself. If you look above, you will see Tekaren's cybernetic limb, which is made from Mandalorian steel, can a hit from a blaster bolt to a lightsaber hit and is powered by Tekaren himself. The Synar-Systems DXM cybernetic limb has a translator with over 60 million languages, finger tips that can mimick anyone's, and can wistand temperatures from the coldest of frostbite to touching a lightsaber with its bare hand." Pryce informed everyone in the coliseum.

Then the floor which I was standing on began lowering itself until I was in front of a wall full of weapons from thermal detonators to lightsaber.

"The time has come to see this weapon be put into action." Pryce suggested through her microphone.

A square door opened up and PROXY droids came in with lightsabers. They all activated their lightsabers until the hole was filled by blue and green light. The droids charged at me while I just held my ground waiting for the right moment.

Hey guys sorry this took too long, I was out of ideas but more are on the way. Im bringing 3 famous characters from the franchise if you guess right they'll come up. Leave your guess in the comment section.

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