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Hey guys, it's Luna-Rose! Um, anyway sorry I haven't been working on my stories. Summer break kinda distracted me. Expectantly, when I had friends over or I went to their house. I'll try to work more on my stories. Not really too stuff for right now, because I'm trying to figure out if I want to move and go to a new school. Which is hard because the school I'm post to go has most my friends, while at the other school I might be going to is where my best friend is and I don't know anyone else. Heck, we might even not have classes together, which will suck. The house we are leaving kinda sucks, because we don't have ac and our toilet has a big crack and it needs to be replaced. My dad is too lazy or is too "busy" to get the landlord to do something about it. Ugh, I hate moving.... So yeah, I'll report to you all, if I move or not. Ehh, this probably doesn't really matter. 

I'll see you and talk to you later!   Bai

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