1752: Separation Heartbreak

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I woke up in a stranger's house, not knowing where I was or how I got there. All I felt was heartbreak, pain and anger. My best friend shot me, I had everything in one minute and he took it from me. Evie, my girl and my child were also taken from me.

I lay in bed closing my eyes to prevent my tears from falling. "I almost had everything." I whispered as I turned to look out the window. "I had everything, now I've got nothing." I sat up, holding my ribs. "Christ." I would know Evie would be here, patching me up.

I put my head in my hands when I heard footsteps. I looked over in the direction and saw an older couple come in. They came in from the other room, with cloth and water. "Oh, you're awake!" I smiled at them, as it was all I could muster.

"I need to get back." I tried to get up, but I fell into the gentleman's arms as I stood up.

"If you walk out that door, you'll be killed." I tried again, but the man stopped me from going anywhere.

"I have to go back for her, I have to get her back." They didn't listen they only put me back in bed. I couldn't stay here, she needs to know that I'm alive.

"She wouldn't want you coming back like this!" The lady spoke, and I groaned in defeat. 

"What's her name?" The lady asked as the man held me down. "Who is she?" She continued, and I turned to face her.

"Evie, her name is Evie." I paused as I winced at the cold water on my bruised back. "She's the one thing that makes this life worth it! She's my world, and." I looked down.

"Son?" She asked. "What's the matter?"

"She's carrying my child!" I cried out, I never thought this would happen to me and now that it has I can't share it or be with them. "I had everything for one moment, then without a second passing I lost it." I admitted as she laid a wet piece of cloth on my scars. "I will never know my child and I never got to marry the one woman who loved me, who truly loved me." I let a tear fall down my cheek, the man noticed and wiped it away for me. "I wanted to die to protect the world but I never thought that my world would die without me." I let another tear fall down my cheeks.

"Son." The gentleman whispered I was hurting terribly. "I'm sorry."

"Were you in love? Did you love one another?" The lady asked, I nodded.

"Yes, very much." I spoke looking between her and her husband.


"Liam, no! I'm not." I begged, I just lost Shay, I can't even mourn and I'm now forced into a marriage. "I just lost the one man who loved me. You expect me to marry someone else, and completely forget about Shay?" I paused leaning against the table in the kitchen. Everyone surrounded Liam and I. "I will not betray him by marrying another man." I continued to voice my opinion on this marriage matter. "I told I'd never be with another man, I loved him Liam."

I placed my hand on my stomach. I allowed a few tears to fall, I can't believe this is happening. I felt horrible in one moment, everything was perfect and in the blink of an eye, I lost it all. "You will marry Louis! I won't have my sister, carrying a bastard child." He warned, raising his voice.

"My son is not a bastard! Shay and I made him, he was made out of love." I paused. "You heard him, he loved me before you SHOT him off a cliff." Liam groaned.

"Louis will give you more!" I shook my head in no, I wasn't going to be happy with another man. "This isn't a discussion."

"WHY DOES MY LIFE NOT GET DISCUSSED?? WHY DO MEN HAVE TO BE THE ONE THAT DECIDE WHAT IS RIGHT FOR ME?" I shout looking at my brother with disgust. "THE ONLY MAN I WANT IS DEAD! THE ONLY FUCKING MAN THAT I'LL EVER MARRY IS DEAD." I paused. "YOU MADE SURE HE WOULDN'T BE MY HUSBAND." I walked around the table towards him, only for Chevilar to stand in front of me.

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