1776: Innocent

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"Then we will make our revolution," I whispered as I knelt looking at Charles and forcibly sat him on the chair. "That's mine," I whispered taking the fucking box from him and shoving it back into my cloth.

I leaned up and winked at a dying Charles. "I'll see you there," I spoke before I started walking away, he held onto his chest. I pushed past people, and after a few moments I heard people screaming, it was finally over. That fucking box took nearly my entire life to find, I hope Haytham fucking destroys it.

I rushed out of the palace where my sons Patrick and Jacob stood. "Time to go boys," I demanded, as we started to quicken our pace trying to not cause problems with the guards who stood guard. "Afternoon." I nodded as I made sure my kids were ahead of me before I followed behind.

"Afternoon sir." I smiled in return, walking away with Jacob and Patrick in front of me, we kept walking and soon made it out of the palace and its grounds.

I reached the carriage opening the door for my boys. I keep an eye on the road we just travelled on. My children might be all grown up but their safety is still my responsibility. "Keep quiet until we've left the city," I warned, as I climbed in and banged the top of the carriage signalling our driver Morris to drive on.

"Papa, I overheard something." I looked at Patrick and gave him a look. "No, it's not about before it's about Florence." I sighed, my baby girl, was barely awake when we left seven days ago.

Jacob looked at the window, not looking at me. "Do you know about this too huh?" I asked. "Jacob!" I spoke raising my voice.

"Jacob was the one who told me." I looked at my son confused.

"I thought you overheard this," I asked fixing up my coat. "What happened?"

"She's been seeing Benedict." I looked at my eldest son, looking at my child. "Jacob overheard Haytham poking around and heard Haytham read out a letter that had been addressed from Benedict to Florence." I leaned my hand on the window, with my mouth covered.

"How long have you known this?" I looked at both my sons. "Huh?"

"There's more." I closed my eyes and breathed in. "She's engaged to him, and also she was in on the attack on Haytham and myself." I slammed my hand against the window of the carriage smashing it in the process.

I walked up to Florence's room knocking before entering. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked, leaning against the door frame as she sat in bed with a book in her hand.

"I'm much better mama, thank you." I smiled at her. "Have you seen Liam?" She asked, turning her page over.

"I haven't why?" I asked. "Has something happened?"

"No, it's just he wanted me to read this sonnet to him, I've not been able to find him." She closed her book and placed it down.

"I'll go look for him." I smiled at her and closed her door. Liam is my youngest and he was more his father than he was me. He was always getting into mischief, he was a little rebel, but he's also my baby.

I searched the house and checked with every member of our staff. "Hey, Cynthia, have you seen Liam?" I asked the cook as I made my way into the kitchen.

"No, Evie I haven't. He was in here a few hours ago, before he left, he said something about Shay's workshop." I furrowed my eyebrows, my husband indeed had a workshop down by the docks, and since the children have gotten older and more of them, he's moved his office to the docks, however, he does keep the important paper here.

"Thank you, Cynthia." I gave her a warm smile, before leaving the kitchen. I heard the door open and in walked Haytham and Jacob. "Well well well, look what the cat dragged in." I chuckled, as I closed the door to the kitchen.

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