1767: The Future Of The Order

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I walked up to my daughter's bedchamber. "Florence?" I asked. I walked inside and saw my daughter sitting by the window reading.

"Just a second papa." She held her hand up. "Eyes look your last, arms take your last embrace, lips the doors of breath forever sealed with a tender kiss." I walked up to her and looked at what she was reading.

"Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare?" I questioned. "You like that?" I asked, sitting in front of her. I faced her and saw she had tears escaping her eyes. "Oh Florence, I think we should put that down for a moment." I took the book from her and placed it on her bed.

"I want a romance like that? Why can't I have that?" She cried, I picked her up and took her in my arms.

"Oh you'll have someone, I'm sure." I held her in my arms rocking her side to side. "They just have to get passed Papa, before they do anything," I admit, which made Florence let out a giggle. "That's better." I pulled my head back and kissed her cheeks, wiping her eyes.

"But I need your help," I spoke, and she looked at me.

"What is it, papa?" She asked, looking at me with a smile.

"Mama wants to have a dance tonight at the dinner." I paused. "I've not danced since I was very young, mama told me that you're quite the dancer." I encouraged. "Would you help me?"

"Yes." I smiled, kissing her cheek.

"Ready?" I asked as she sat beside me. As I stood up, I reached my hand out for her to take and she took it.

"How have you gotten so tall?" I paused. "I remember when you were barely up to my knees now you've reached my waist." She stepped on my boots and took my hands and we danced around the room.

"Papa I'm a big girl now!" She laughs, sweetly. "Mama thinks I'm too grown." I looked down at her, as I spun her around.

"She just doesn't want you to get hurt, just like I don't!" I admit. "Your mother is very protective of this family, you and your brother are her top concern." I spun her around again.

"But why can't we see Uncle Jacob and Aunt Clara?" I leaned down and kissed her head. "I just miss them being around." I leaned down and kneeled in front of her.

"I know, I miss your uncle and aunt too. I've not met their newborn and she's nearly three, I promise after tonight things will go back to normal." She placed her hand on my chest.

"How is it going to go back to normal when you're not a Templar." She states. "Patrick told us."

"Well did he tell you that he's not always right either," I spoke, looking up at her. "I'm still going to be a Templar, your brother has some handling on that," I spoke. "I love being a father, it's more rewarding than being a Templar, but your brother told me that the world needs a hero too." I watched the smile on Florence's face grow, as she jumped into my arms, which made me fall backwards.

"Yay!" If I knew my children liked having a father as a Templar I would have never considered denouncing my Templar credentials.

I didn't know what Shay had planned and it annoyed me. Jacob and Clara have arrived with their two children. Elliot and Rosemary. They're growing up too quickly, I remember Clara announcing her news. Unfortunately, due to recent events, we've not been as close as we once were, and with this whole situation with Alexandre, we all decided to keep our families safe by limiting connections with one another. Clara and I were both hurt because we both were with children at the time, and none of us could be there for one another. It was the same for Jacob and Shay, they lost their sparring buddies, Shay lost a brother, and so did Jacob. I remember the day after we all decided it, he wasn't himself for a long time, we've been dealing with this issue for three years, we're just not as clever as we once were nor do we trust anyone in the order.

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