Haru(age 12)

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Name:Haru Shizen

Favorite color:All greens,teals,and purples

Favorite animal:Tigers

Favorite Foods:Spicy rice balls,dango,and all sweets

Relatives:Whole guild,Seikatsu(Dragon/Parent missing),Aki(exceed/best friend)

Magic:Nature Dragon Slayer,Re-quip,and transform

Looks:(Haru/cover)She has long teal hair that has lighter ends and large purple eyes(above).She is about 4'11" with a petite figure with an average size chest.

She is about 4'11" with a petite figure with an average size chest

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Haru's normal outfit

Name:Aki Shizen

Favorite color:Orange

Favorite Food: Meat

Relatives:whole guild, and Haru

Magic:Aera(sp?),human and tiger transformation

Looks:(exceed)orange with black stripes,white tipped tail,left ear has three piercings,green eyes, and purple skirt and crop top with yellow star necklace.
(Human)orange tail and ears,black short hair,turquoise/green eyes, normal chest,and a light purple top.

(Human)orange tail and ears,black short hair,turquoise/green eyes, normal chest,and a light purple top

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Aki cat form

Aki cat form

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