New Friends!

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Haru's pov

"This is so BORING!" I screamed at no one unless you count that wall over there, because Aki had to leave..... stupid low magic reserve things ; I should of went with everyone else to that old ladies to get my second container unlocked. But, it was worth the extra sleep i got.

"Oh,Haru you're still here?" Iruka-sensei asked. Who does he think he is leaving me here alone.

"Ya I have been waiting to know what team i am going to be on!" seriously this guy needs a new brain i thought dolphins were smart.

"Well you see the Hokage said since he forgot to put you on a team you could choose whatever team you wanted to be on since you get along with everyone...... almost." sensei, i don't know why he said it like that those fan girls only got what they deserved, but it was fun for me seeing them all wet themselves.


I was sitting in between Sasuke and Naruto my first mistake in like.... jk but those are for another day. I was trying to sleep because last night my neighbors had a party or something for their daughter who graduated. I looked up when the table shook to see Naruto glaring at Duck while squatting on the table. I almost brushed it off and went back to sleep until some guy behind Naruto leaned back pushing Naruto into Sasugay. The sad part was Sasugay didn't make any move to pull away unlike the disgusted Naruto.

"HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!" I laughed breaking the silence."Wow Sasuke are you going to get your name changed to Sasugay?" Most boys in class chuckled or giggled i don't even know what they do now.

"CHA NARUTO,HARU YOU WONT GET AWAY WITH THIS!" Sakura screamed as her 'gang' of fan girls screamed in agreement.

"you want to go then? are you sure you can catch these fists?" i said smiling which they didn't think was cute unlike the boys. This further egged them on while i was laughing in my head, they actually thought they could beat me.

"Haru, why are you laughing with that face?"Naruto asked timidly hiding behind me.... oops. i didn't realize until then i had the face probably the equivalent of Erza's that time when Elfman accidentally stepped on her cake. All of my opponents or hindrances to me looked at me in pure fear.

"If you couldn't handle that then why are you trying to be a ninja?" I said in a sickly sweet voice passing off my mistake as something i meant to do. They all gulped and ran to their seats.


"Wait how did you even know about that Sensei you weren't even in the room?"he sweat dropped scratching his neck.

"Don't worry about it just tell me what team you want to be on." he said changing the subject, sneaky i don't like it.But, he is a ninja so i will let it slide.

"Can i be on all of them?" i exclaimed wanting to be friends with everyone so later i can steal their food because why not.

"Sure?" he said uncertainly "I will inform all of the Jounin Sensei's and give you all of the information tomorrow but for know why don't you go home and sleep it's getting late"

"Ya ok sensei catch you later!"i yelled running back home ready to embrace my one true love, Mr.Bed. As i was running i saw something blur across my vision so like any normal person i chased it.

"OUCH,F**K" i yelled as i tripped and collided into someone or something it is too dark to tell.

"Damn it" the mystery person said putting their hand out to help me up.

"Thanks" I said trying to figure out who this was."What was that blur?"

"That was Akamaru ,my dog" Oh i know who this is know.

"Well i'll help find him i have a good sense of smell if i do say so myself, which i do!"i said totally not bragging.

"It's fine i don't..... wait are you-"he started

"Yup i'm Haru hopefully that was what you were going to say!" i exclaimed" and you have now word in this i am already here so I am helping!"

"O-ok let's start then." He said stumbling over his words consequently getting a tomato face.

"Let's see *sniff* I smell him this way!" i yelled before sprinting off.

"Wait how do you even know what he smells like and how could you smell him!" name asked while struggling to keep up.

"I will tell you once you tell me your name!" i screamed over the wind.

"I'm Kiba Inuzuka!" he also yelled.

"Ok first he's your dog so his scent his on you" and since i rather not lie" i was raised by a dragon i have abnormally high senses!" apparently this shocked him so he stepped on a wrong branch and fell *sigh* guess i have to help. I jumped down rocketing of a branch to catch him and landed on the ground.

"whew for a second i thought i wouldn't catch you in time!"

"Y-you were raised by a d-dragon?"he asked at least he doesn't forget things like Dolphin.

"ya so i know quite a few people where i come from that were raised by one let me see *whisper* natsu,wendy,gageel,lax- wait he is a second generation,sting and rogue! Ya i know 5!"i counted excluding the second generations like Laxus and Erik.

"Wow" he said still amazed.

"Ya my dragon adopted me like the others and taught me how to read,speak,and fight!"

"I thought dragons didn't exist in this world"Kiba said still in a daze.

"They don't... i think" i said confusing him further "I'll tell you but you can not tell anyone else!" he nodded in agreement.

"I'm not from this world."

"So you are an alien?"

"No I am a wizard and i can prove it!" i stood up walking away a good distance so he wouldn't get injured."Nature Dragon:Iron Fist" i said only loud enough for him to hear before punching the ground hard enough for a crater to form under and around me,oops i didn't mean to use that much power.

"Ok now that that is cleared up Akamaru is really close!"I said ignoring his red face as i grabbed his hand dragging him to where Akamaru was. After we got Akamaru he would not leave my head.. not that i minded he is adorable! We both walked to Kiba's house because he wanted to say thank you for me helping him so he invited me to dinner.

"Mom i'm home!" he yelled while taking his shoes off. A lady came around the corner with messy hair and overall looked like Kiba just older and a girl.

"where have you been! you should have been back hours ago! I wa- who is this?" her tone completely changed seeing me and her face now adorned a smirk.. oh no."about time you got a girl and she's a cute one to!" Both of our faces turned red.

"Ma'am i'm sorry but we are not together i was just invited over for dinner as a thank you for helping Kiba find Akamaru." I explained causing her to sigh but Kiba to sigh in relief or disappointment i can not tell. Dinner was great and not only because it was free. Kiba's sister Hana made steak that was rare but seasoned just right and let's just say i fit right in with the family. I ate a lot like them just like dogs no offense to their dogs i love them to even Ms.Inuzukas one with an eye patch. Alas i had to leave the homey house to go to my cold apartment but someone else was in there

"ummm.... who are you?"


I finally updated yay!

I made this chapter a little longer but i am sorry it is just a massive filler but you know that was what naruto was most of the time!

I hope you have a great day and don't forget to comment who you think Haru should end up with because nothing is set in stone yet!

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