Days in Fairytail

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Haru's Pov(age 8)

It has been two years now since my dragon and only family,Seikatsu, has gone missing but, I won't let that get me down I thought as I walked through the forest when a massive egg fell on my head, how nice. The egg was a creamy orange with black stripes going across it so like any normal person I picked it up and kept it!

Up ahead I noticed a bright and happy town with many people and a sign that read 'Welcome to Magnolia'.

"Excuse me ma'am" I say to a very pretty lady with red hair and armor "do you ow where FairyTail is?"

"Of course I do I'm a mage of the guild!"she says enthusiastically "why do you want to know?"

"Well um... I want to join the guild!"I say starting of nervous but more confident forwards the end. After I said that she started walking away almost breaking my heart, keyword almost.

"Well are you coming?"she says while turning forwards me. I was so shocked and happy(hehehe) I jumped on her.

"Thank you thank you thank you!"I scream in to her armor.

"Your welcome now I'm Erza what's your name and .....your egg?"she says confused.

"I'm Haru Shizen and this egg fell on my head so I kept it!" I say while making a dramatic pose pointing to myself.

Le TimeSkip

"Master"Erza-nee said to an old short man "I found this little girl who wants to join the guild" while she was talking I was looking at the whole guild fighting and having fun............. I LOVE IT!

"Well what's your name and what's your magic?"the old man said kindly.

"I'm Haru Shizen! And I use nature dragon slayer magic and a little transform magic!"I say excitedly not noticing a few shocked faces that were listening and found out another dragon slayer was coming. After a minute a pink haired boy that looked about fourteen ran up.

"Your a dragonslayer? SO AM I! What's your dragon like? Did they disappear in x777?what magic do you use?"he says very fast giving me little time to comprehend but I did so I answered like so...

"Yes I am a dragonslayer, Seikatsu was kind and strict but caring and smart,she did disappear in x777, and I use nature dragon slayer magic and transform or takeover magic!"I answer still shocking everyone.

"Natsu stop!" Erza-nee says and hits him on the head ...... ouch.

Le TimeSkip(age 11)

A lot has happened in the last 3 years including defeating Eisenwald, my egg hatched into an exceed I named Aki that looks like a tiger and can transform into one, we defeated orcacion seis, we got two new members Lucy and Wendy a celestial wizard and a sky dragon slayer, Loke was actually Leo the celestial spirit , I learned re-quip magic from Erza-nee,I know live with her , yay! And, now the S-class Promotion trial names are bout to be announced. I didn't really pay much attention until I heard Natsu master must be crazy if he became an S-Class mags the council would hate us even more.

"....And Haru Shizen all the people who's names have been called meet in one month here in the guild to go to Tenrou island with your partner for the S-Class trials!"master yelled holding up our hand sign while everyone cheered doing the same including me and Aki.

"Come on Wendy me you and the exceeds should all go train together I know the perfect place!"I begged Wendy my very good friend.

"Ok Haru lets go, come on Charla!"she says in a shy excited way. We flew with the exceeds into the forest to my favorite training spot. It was a large clearing with a few apple trees and a clear waterfall on the edge you can drink from.

"This is where will train for a month!" I say excitedly.

Another TimeSkip

During the exam the dark guild grimoire heart attacked and we defeated so we celebrated until we heard a roar rip through the island so, like any normal guild oh who am I kidding we are not normal, we ran forward the roar.
When we go there everyone was shocked to say the least in all his glory Acnologia stood about to obliterate us.

"Everyone form a circle joining hands!"I yell forming a plan to save all my nakama. Once everyone but me joined the circle I used their will power and emotions to form a barrier of metals and plants the ultimate defense spell the only downside is the caster can't use it on themselves but it's just part of my plan I think grimly.

"SECRET ART:ANIMAL CONTROL"I casted my strongest spell taking control of the dark dragon getting him to fly away after tampering with his memory's getting him to forget being evil. I undid my other spell releasing my yelling nakama.

"Haru what was that!"Erza-nee more like demanded than asked.

"Well I learned some new spells but I don't really know the side effects of the the secret art one because I only ever used it to control small mice or rabbits."I answer kind of.

"I meant how did you get rid of Acnologia!"she yelled getting a little nervous.

"Well I used my spell since he technically is an animal to control him and tamper with his memory to turn him nice!"I answer her question or more like demand.

"Haru what did you mean by side effects?"Lucy-San asked.

"Well in the book I got from Seikatsu before she left said it could possible maybe cause................death"I whispered.

Everyone flipped out but, since Aki didn't come because she hates pretty much everyone but panther-lily *wink,wink*.
I suddenly lost lol strength in my legs and face planted into the soft grass making everyone go silent.

"HARU!/ARE YOU OK?/AHHHHHH!/CHILD!/KID!"everyone yelled out to me as I turned over spitting out grass as I realized what was happening I was dieing.

"Guys, just so you know I love every single one....... of you new and old friends no not friends you all are my family and I treasure every memory even.... when everyone was fighting we did it together so, when I ......pass don't be sad celebrate because you knew me and made my short life happy ...... and worth living, I love you all please watch over Aki for me and Natsu and Lucy if I come to haunt the guild I better see little kids running around! I say coughing and laughed at the end as everyone cried.


"I'm sorry minna"I say with a small smile as everything goes black.


So first chapter is done I'll try to post more often and I promise this this book will not be like my other one because I feel everything in my discontinued book its plot is overused so I'm going to make this book unique and with a meme/funny anime picture every chapter!

So remember ,
Stay cool and love Anime!

New Bonds a FairyTail/Naruto CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now