Goat things

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Your point of view

I groaned in pain as I sat up. I rubbed the bump on my head that bleed lightly. {must of hit my head on the fall down...hope I don't have a concussion...} I blinked in surprise when I looked down and noticed a bed of golden flowers. I smiled softly and gave the ground a small pat {thanks for cushioning the fall a bit ground.} I sighed to myself as I slowly stood up checking myself for more wounds. {everything seems ok.} i took a few steps winching as I do so. {besides a pain in my right hip but I'm sure it will fade soon.} I glanced around noticing I was in some sort of cave that seemed to be some sort of ruins. Maybe Greek judging by the pillars.

I kneeled back down checked my bag to make sure it and all of its contents were still there. I sighed in relief when I noticed it all was. I decided to take care of my head before I moved on so I took out the first aid kit and a bottle of water. I took out some gazz (is that how you spell it?) and dampened some with the bottled water before I gently pressed it onto the wound on my head. I patted the area down as gently as I could trying to clean the area of any blood dirt that had probably gathered. Once that was done I took some clean and dry gazz and put it onto the wound. I held it there with one hand as I packed everything back up and slung my bag over my shoulder. I was about to start exploring the cave and look for a way out when I herd voices.

I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. There's someone here who can help me! I made sure I had ahold of the backpack as I headed towards the voices. As I walked the voices got louder and louder until I was able to make out what they were saying.

"Mom! Mom! Can we run ahead now?"

"I don't know...there's still a few puzzles up ahead..."

"That's ok! We know how to do them!"

"Alright but be carful I will be with you both shortly if anything happens."

I then herd the two voices let out a shout of joy before I herd them start running. Into my direction...before I could really process what was happening I felt two small bodies run into me knocking me down onto my but.

"*gasp!* I'm sorry miss! Here let me help you up."

"I'm sorry to we did not think anyone was down here otherwise we would not of ran..."

I chuckled softly and took the child's hand and let them pull me up. "It's fine I have been threw worrrrrrrrrr." I finally looked at the two to see a human child with shoulder length brown hair and red eyes, and a goat child of sorts that has white fur and green (?) eyes. They both were wearing green sweat shirts with yellow stripes in them and shorts. I just stared at the two in disbelief.

The human child began to wave a hand in front of my face before turning to the goat thing. "I think we broke her."

The goat thing looked worried. "Oh no! Let's go and get mom!"

I was just beginning to shake myself out of my shock and was beginning to speak when another goat thing came into view. The goat thing looked shocked when it saw me, the look of shock quickly changed to a look of concern when she saw me holding the wound on my head to keep the gazz in place. "Oh dear what happened to you?" It...Er...she...asked.

The two kids followed the she-goats line of sight and gasped.

The little goat child spoke up first. "Oh no we should get her to sans and alphys!"

The she-goat nodded. "Yes we should." She looked back at me once again. "My child please come with us and get your wounds treated. I promise you that we mean you no harm."

Still in a bit of shock all I managed was to nod and give them all a small smile and a quick "thanks".

The she-goat smiled and put a hand...Er...paw...on the small of my back in a Comforting way that also helped steady me and guide me as we walked. "By the way my names toriel but you can just call me tori almost everyone els does. And these two are my children chara and asriel." She pointed the two out in turn when she said there names.

I smiled to myself so far this she-goat...I mean tori seemed very nice. "My names y/n, it's nice to meet you 3."

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