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Alphys helped me clean the room up a bit since the room was some sort of storage area a while back and still had a few boxes left in there. As she helped me clean up she talked almost non stop about mew mew kissie cutie. Some how during her talking we managed to set up a time for us to watch a few of the episodes together tomorrow. Unfortunately it would only be about 5 episodes since I probably won't be able to last more then that amount (with the concussion and all) and she still had work to do the next day.

Once the plans had been made and the room had been cleaned and set up alphys and I let out a sigh of relief and looked our work over. It was a decent sized room with what looked like a queen sized bed that had a f/c comforter and pillow on top. There was a little bed side table on the right hand side and finally a dresser in a corner. I smiled happily and looked at alphys. "Thanks for the help alp..."

I was suddenly interrupted by myself. Well more like my stomach. It had decided that now would be a good time to voice it's need for food. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit while alphys chuckled and looked at me with a smile. "Sounds like it's time to get some food."

She said with a bit of amusement in her voice. I nodded still feeling a bit embarrassed but chuckled anyways. "I believe so."

She smiled and gently grabbed my hand and began to lead me somewhere. "Come on! I'll show you to the kitchen and we can see what we can find there."

I quickly followed after her finally taking the time to observe her more closely. From first sight I had noticed that she was a rather small yellow dinosaur or lizard like monster. She was rather short I was only a head or so taller then her but as I looked more closely I saw that she was hunched over a bit. I blinked when I realized if she were to stand to her full hight then she would probably be a inch or two taller then me. I did not get the time to think about much else since she soon arrived at what looked like a cross between a chemical lab and a kitchen. There was 3 fridges but other then that and all of the science equipment it looked like a normal kitchen. I blinked in surprise and looked at alphys. "Wow looks like there's science everywhere here." I said with a bit of teasing in my voice.

She blushed and looked down and shuffled her feet in embarrassment. "Hehe...yay...sorry."

I shook my head. "No no nothing to be sorry about I just found it a bit amusing that's all."

She lifted her head up and looked at me before smiling again and chuckling a bit. "Well I'm sure I don't have to warn you about trying out something that you are sure is normal food down here right?"

I laughed lightly and shook my head no. "Nope no need for that here."

She looked slightly amused as she then turned to a small row of fridges 3 of them to be exact. "Two of those hold food and third one...holds other things..."

She paused as of remembering something before she shook herself as if getting rid of the thought. I looked at her with interest wondering what it was that caused her to stop and get lost in thought. I was tempted to ask but quickly shook it off. Alphys soon spoke again. "Anyways be carful about what you eat from them, chemicals get mixed in there from time to time. But it's easy to tell that it's a chemical so there should not be any problems there." She paused and pointed out a few cabinets. "There's food in those as well the left one is where my favorite is stored."

I blinked and looked at her, tilting my head slightly to the side as I do so. "And what would that be?"

She grinned widely and quickly shuffled forward and opened it up reviling it to be stocked full of instant noodles. I looked at alphys and noticed her looking at it as if a golden holly light was shinning out from behind them. I could not help but chuckle a bit. "Ah I see now."

Alphys smiled as she blushed a bit. "Well let's get something to eat!"

She grabbed a cup of Insta noodles and I did as well. She went to the stove and got a kettle and filled it with water before putting it back onto the stove. As she did that I glanced around noticing a table at one corner of the room and went over to it and sat down as I waited. As I sat down into the chair I quickly remembered my backpack and shrugged it off and sat it down at my feet.

Alphys had came over as I was doing so and noticed my bag. "Oh yay I have been meaning to ask you what all you brought with...if you don't mind showing me that is."

She looked down and wrung her hands together nervously. I shrugged and pulled my bag up onto my lap and started to dig into it. "I don't mind at all"

I pulled out my extra cloths I had packed and paused to look at them. "Really glad I packed those now I almost did not."

I smiled a bit at the end and alphys chuckled. I pulled out the small bags of trail mix and put them into a pile. Alphys looked interested in them and pointed them out to me. "What's that?"

I blinked and looked at it. "Oh it's trail mix. It's a bunch of nuts and fruits mixed together with some m&m's."

She frowned and looked at me. "M&m's?"

I looked at her. "Oh god you have never had any before?! Let's fix that."

I opened one up and shifted threw the nuts till I plucked out a few m&m's and pushed them to her. "Here try them."

She looked at them before she plucked one up and stuck it into her mouth. "Hum...it's got chocolate in the middle?"

I nodded. "Yep, they have I don't know what exactly on the outside to keep it from melting all over the place. "

Alphys looked at the other bags of trail mix thoughtfully. "You should probably hide those...somewhere very safe...like a safe."

I scrunched up my eye brows and looked at her in confusion. "Why? "

She looked some what scared and yet amused at the same time. "Well there's a little kid who comes around here from time to time who will do anything to get to some chocolate."

Realization slowly dawned on me. "Chara?"

Alphys nodded with a chuckle. "Yep."

I shook my head as I thought about chara and chocolate. "Well thanks for the advice I'll look into it soon."

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