Meeting sans

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As soon as alphys and I turned to look at the owner of the voice we immediately saw a skeleton who was wearing a long black, silver and purple jacket that looked seriously comfy. (What? I'm not jelly... Well maybe a little just look at it!) with a white turtle neck, black and silver shorts and what looked like combat boots, who was currently standing in the door way with his hands shoved into his pockets as he looked at the two of us lazily. I just stared at him with my mouth slightly open. Can you blame me? It's a skeleton! And it's talking! And moving! Wait did it just wink at me? How is that possible?!

The skeleton just chuckled. "Come on brah I know I'm bro-amazingly handsome but you don't have to stare so hard."

I quickly snapped out of my confused and shocked daze and felt my face heat up. "Uh....Er...well sorry...." Welp that's awesome I'm sounding like alphys. Speaking of alphys...

My head snapped to her when she spoke up. " know wh.where they are s.sir?"

Mr.skelly just chuckled and nodded. "Yep, the little brahs and miss tori are watching the t.v's. Ya know da ones watching over da underground."

Alphys nodded worked on the last of the bandages as mr. Skelly walked forward before stopping in front of us. Well more specially me. He still had his lazy grin on as he held out his hand to me. "Hello there brah I'm sans, sans the skeleton and royal scientist."

I smiled softly before I shook his hand. "Nic...." I started my greeting but before I could get the first word out there was a rather loud farting sound. I looked at sans rather confused before I noticed his smile growing bigger before he busts out laughing. "Brah you should see your face right now. It's freaking brahtastic!"

I released his hand and he held it up to show a whoopy cushion in it. It finally dawned on me what just happened casing me to smile and chuckle a bit. "The old whoopy cushion in the hand trick? Nice. But isint that a bit old school?" I asked with amusement.

Sans acted offended, he took a step back and put a dramatic hand on his chest before taking a big gasp. "Brah! Are you calling me old?!"

I my small smile grew a bit bigger. " are all bones..."

Sans fake looked hurt. "Wow human you just destroyed my self confidence."

I looked at him with a raised eye brow and I think alphys did the same. I even herd her mutter something along the lines of. 'Not possible'.

Sans seemed to of been rather amused by our reactions as he chuckled some more before looking at me. "So brahski I did not quite catch your name..."

I smirked a bit. "Oh that was because I did not throw it."

He paused before catching on to what I ment and laughed. "Nice one brah but really what's ya name?"

I sat up as alphys asked me to as she tied the last bandages. "It's y/n, y/n l/n, nice to meet cha sans."as I finished talking alphys tightened the last bandage making me winch slightly. "...well y/n I t.think I'm all d.done." She stuttered out before stepping back.

I stood up doing my best to ignore he black spots that danced across my vision before fading away and smiled at her. "Thanks dr. Alphys."

Alphys seemed to of blushed slightly while also looking a bit concerned. "Oh don't have to call me d.dr just a.alphys will do."

I nodded in acknowledgment and smiled at her again before looking back at sans. "Um...sorry to ask you both this but mind taking me to tori? I don't quite remember how to get there..."

Alphys gasped. "Oh! sorry I should of k.known you would not r.remember thanks to the concussion!"

"Don't worry about it, besides I don't think it's fully the hit on the head this place seems to be a bit of a maze." I said quickly trying to calm her down.

Sans nodded slowly. "This place can be a bit difficult to move around in when you first get here brah. Just follow me and alphys we will help ya out." He said  before he turned and headed out of the room. I followed after him and herd alphys following behind me. Sans took a few turns before he arrived in the room with a bunch of t.v's that alphys had shown me earlier. As soon as we entered tori turned and spotted us before we had a chance to head over to her she eminently got up from the spot she was sitting and more or less rushed over to us. There was a bit of a worried look on her face when she saw the wrapped wound on my head. "Oh dear...I knew you were wounded but I did not think it would be that bad."

I shook my head and smiled at her. "Don't worry about it miss tori the bandages make it look worse then it is." 

She did not look convinced but sighed anyways before smiling softly at me. "If you say so my child."

I chuckled a bit before frowning when I realized something. I looked at tori, alphys and sans. "By the way...what's next? ...I mean where will I be staying...?"

A look of surprise crossed Tori's face. "Oh dear! I forgot! Well I was planning on having you stay with me and the children at the castle...that is if you don't mind...?"

Alphys quickly spoke up after tori. "O.or! You can stay! There's a few empty r.rooms you can stay at...and w.we can watch some anime!"

Tori looked surprised at alphys sudden out burst. "But you and sans have work to do. And won't have time to look after her while she heals."

Now it was my turn to be surprised when sans spoke up. "actually her staying here is a pretty braw idea. Alphys would be close by if something happened and so would I. And if it's a need for someone to be close by her at all times I can ask my brother to help out. I'm sure he would not mind. "

Tori frowned. "I don't know...I think it would be better for her to go with you two know how to look after a human...?"

Hum...what to do.... Should I ...

help sans and alphys with there argument and stay with them?

Or help tori and stay with her and the kids?

You get to decide :3.

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