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|E M E R S O N|

     Emerson stopped his pacing and leapt for the door as a knock resounded around the front room. Alpha Jameson and his son, Wyatt, stepped in.

"You're going to absolutely love him! He's adorable, sweet, kinda sassy, and he's a bit shy. You guys have met him before, but he has a speaking problem, I think..." Emerson ranted.

"Okay, we get it. Show us the boy already," Alpha Jameson chuckled.

Emerson nodded his head furiously, jittering into the living room. Wyatt broke into a fit of laughter and Alpha Jameson's jaw dropped.

There in the middle of the room was Cain, rolling around on the floor, a toy in his mouth. It was a frayed rope with a squeaky ball on the end that Cain fervently chomped on. But what was most eye catching was the fact that he was half shifted. His fluffy ears poked out of his mop of white hair and a gray tail had sprouted just above his bottom. His nose and mouth had formed into a feline snout of sorts and his eyes seemed much more aware of his surroundings.

The toy dropped out of Cain's mouth and fell to the floor, covered in saliva and drool. Cain meowed, suddenly sitting up.

"I-It's a cat! It's a f*cking werecat!" Jameson sneered, his finger pointing accusingly at Cain, who tilted his head to the side in bewilderment.

"Alpha, Wyatt, this is Cain. And yes, he is a werecat. But does that really matter, we are mates," Emerson folded his arms across his chest.

While he was surprised at Cain's half-cat form, he was also extremely turned on. The way he looked so innocent, drooling over his toys. A string of saliva hanging on the edge of his chin, his furry tail swaying. Emerson just wanted to dominate him and take him right in front of Alpha Jameson and Wyatt. But he knew he couldn't.

     "H-Hi, Alpha, a-and Wyatt," Cain forced out of his pretty pink lips, his ears perking.

    "Oh Lordy, Emerson! On top of- of it being a guy, it's a f*cking cat! Oh wow, this is just too much," Wyatt held his sides as he heaved out laughter like a wild hyena.

    "Shut the h*ll up, Wyatt. Disrespect my mate again, I dare you. He's not an it," Emerson growled out.

   "Boys, calm down! We need to focus on the matter at hand!" Alpha Jameson barked in his authorities tone.

   "Fine. What is the 'matter at hand'?" Emerson prodded, his one eyebrow lifted.

     "Well, I haven't told you about it, but I suspect you were the one who overheard me and Beta talking. Werecats are scattered around the edge of our territory, searching for a missing member of their pack. It must be Cain. We need to avoid a fight, so we should just hand him over," Alpha explained.

   Emerson snarled ferociously, stepping in between the Alpha and Cain, who was still on the ground, whimpering. Emerson would not let anything come in the way of him and his kitten.

"A-Alpha, I d-don't know any w-werecats. They c-can't be l-looking for me," Cain stuttered.

     "Unless you got another werecat shoved up your a$$, then you're then only cat in town, other than Molly's and Peterson's. And them cats are way too stupid to be weres," Alpha Jameson deadpanned.

     "They can't be looking for Cain. I've had him for years! Ever since I was 3 or 4. If it was him they were looking for, then they would have been here searching a long time ago," Emerson counteracted.

     "Look, Emerson, you're a good kid. You know what's best for the pack, and keeping him on our territory could potentially start a war. Come on, Emerson. Put aside your feelings and take it like a man," Jameson reached out for Emerson, but he dodged it.

     "Get out of my house. Now." Emerson growled lowly, a look of pure hatred clearly written across his features.

    "Emerson, let's be realistic he-" Alpha Jameson started, but was swiftly cut off.

     "Get out before I make you get out," Emerson threatened and fear flashed across Wyatt's and Jameson's faces.

    "He's not worth it, dad. Come on," Wyatt tugged on his father's sleeve as they both awkwardly half-walked-half-ran out of the house.

     Emerson let out a roar of frustration, pulling at his hair like a madman. He snarled a string of curses, having no idea what to do with himself. It was either choosing his pack or Cain. How could someone be so heartless as to push someone else into that position?


     Emerson turned around sharply to see a terrified Cain, his ears flattened against his head in fear. In fear of Emerson.

    Emerson collapsed next to Cain, pulling him close to his chest. It was Emerson's turn to cry then. Sobs escaped his lips as he clutched Cain who comforted him relentlessly. Emerson just let it all pour out, all of his anguish, infuriation, hate, terror, sorrow, just every bit of it.

    "C-Cain, I d-don't think I c-can afford losing y-you," Emerson cried into his shoulder.

     $$ Oh, snap! Alpha Jameson is getting on Emerson's nerves... Whoo-wee! And Emerson's breakdown at the ending... I was given a lot of strange looks because I was in public and whatever emotion the character I'm writing about I weirdly act like... So I was like excited, acting cute, surprised, annoyed, angry, then completely sad. Yeah...😂 Thanks for all the love and support! Mwa!$$

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