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|E M E R S O N|

     Chills spiraled down Emerson's spine. How had he not sensed something following him? How had he not identified the sense of unease he had felt for the past week? And most importantly, how had he not smelled the pungent fume of an opposing werecat?

    Emerson pushed all of these thoughts away, concentrating at the task at hand. Calming down Mr. Gander.

   "-kill em! Only way to cleanse yourself of that filthy f*cking scum is to competently get rid of them!" Mr. Gander ranted.

   Placing his palm on Mr. Gander's arm, Emerson spoke with a soft calmness. "Mr. Gander, that's murder and treason. And this may possibly be the missing werecat. Why don't we confront them and see how that goes?"

   Mr. Gander glared at Emerson and if looks could kill, Emerson would be on the floor with his head blown off. But you could tell he was going to give in as his features slowly loosened up.

    "All right. We do your way first. When that don't work out we do it my way," Mr. Gander shook his finger at the two boys who nodded vigorously.

     Cain stared with glossy eyes at Emerson. Emerson didn't like the way he was looking at him. It seemed despaired, almost hopeless. Emerson was worried about what was whirring through the small boy's mind at the moment.

Placing the weapons in the table, Emerson stood in front of the door. His hand hovered over the door knob. He contemplated on how he was going to play this. He couldn't just walk out there and say hey. Suddenly, an idea hit him.

"Okay Cain, this is what's going to happen..."


     Emerson crept across the back of the house, sniffing the air. Definitely a werecat near by. He crouched down, peering through the forest. His brown hair blew in the wind, sending a chill down his back. He knew Cain and Mr. Gander were in the front, trying to attract as much attention as possible.

Emerson held his breath as he saw the flash of licorice black hair and pale skin. It disappeared into the brush, but Emerson knew for a fact that he saw whoever it was. That had to have been the person who had been following them.

     His ears perked up as a crash came from the front of the cabin. Emerson's eyes scanned across the forest in search of any movement. That crash had to have drawn them out. Emerson's eyes locked on a peek of black hair. He squinted, trying to get a better image of the creature. It was a panther. A f*cking panther.

    Emerson stalked through the tall grass that was whistling in the crisp breeze. As he came closer he realized that the panther wasn't fully grown. It still looked a little small, but most likely close to adulthood.

Emerson stood at his full wolf height, looming over the hidden panther. Just as he was about to pounce, the panther turned its head just in time to see who it was.

     Emerson hands just reached out to pull it by its back left paw. He flipped the werecat over, pinning them. The panther hissed and growled as it tried to free itself from Emerson's grasp.

A pitter-patter of footsteps drew close as Emerson held the rebellious young panther down. Mr. Ganders cane prodded at Emerson's side, making Emerson send him a sharp glare.

"Shift back, you damń fool! We gotta carry him back and butcher him for meat! Break that thing's neck," Mr. Gander cheered.

Emerson shot a scowl to the old man, before concentrating on the struggling black cat beneath him. He barked a warning at it as it tried to nip at his paws. It immediately stopped, fear in its eyes before beginning to fight again.

    Emerson transformed back into his nude human form, still pinning him down wth ease. It was cold outside, but Emerson ignored the bitter sting on his bare skin.

"Shift. Now." Emerson snarled, using an angry demanding voice he rarely ever used.

The panther hissed ferociously, wriggling in an attempt to escape from underneath Emerson. Emerson pressed harder against the panther, making it whimper before shifting.

It was a boy, not looking above the age of 17. He had messy black hair that was pushed back from his face, sharp green eyes, scanning for a way to escape, and pale skin that looked very much so like Cain's.

He twisted and turned as Emerson stood him up, gripping tightly to his wrists and shoulder. The boy cursed beneath his breath.

He stopped so suddenly as his eyes caught with Cain's. Cain was frozen too, unblinking as he stared back. It was like time had stopped as the two made eye contact.

"Orion," he breathed, disbelieving at the sight in front of him, "I've found you,"

$$Dun dun DUNNNN! Haha, who is this guy? Cray cray sh*t is about to go down. Also- we are approaching the end... About five or so chappies left😥 Thanks for all the love and support!$$

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