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|E M E R S O N|

Emerson ran his hands through Cain's hair, holding him tightly to his chest. Cain curled up on his lap, his attention entirely focused on his supposed brother sitting in front of him. They were all seated in the parlor, deep in the discussion of Cain's past.

     "What d-do you m-mean our f-father tried to k-kill me?!" Cain squeaked.

    "Well- well, you here, he's actually not your father... He's mine..." The panther scratched at the nape of his neck.

"Holdup Cat Boy. Not his father? So you guys got different fathers?" Emerson interrupted.

"Yes, you daft dog. I just said that. And my name's not Cat Boy. It's Theseus. As I was saying- your father is missing. He hasn't been found for a since you were born. Since Mom died giving birth to you-" Theseus was interrupted yet again.

"Wait! My f-father's missing and m-m-my mother's de-dead?" Cain asked, shocked at this fact. It was kind of funny, really. The father figure in his house cat life was dead and the mother was missing- missing her other half.

     "Yes. I'm sorry, Orion. That's a lot to take in. Do you want me to stop for a second?" Theseus tilted his head gently towards his younger brother.

"No, g-go on. I wa-want to know m-more," Cain fiddled with the loose string on his shirt.

"Okay. So our mom, Andrea Castellan, was not mates with my dad, Which means I wouldn't get the leader of the clan title, and my father didn't like that much. He was married to Andrea until she died, which was when she gave birth to you. And yes, before your lap dog asks, she did cheat on my father. But it was with her mate, your father," Theseus paused for a second, giving Emerson just enough time to cut in again.

"Which means Cain is the true leader of your guys' clan!" Emerson exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, I was getting to that." Theseus shot a glare to Emerson before continuing. "You are the heir to being the clan ruler. But my father didn't like that. He wanted me to be the ruler and pretty much control me to do what he wanted. And that's what's going to happen if we don't get you back! I've been searching for you since I was 12. 5 years, I've been looking. I must say, my father is pretty good at leaving almost no trace..."

   "Okay, okay, okay! Let's back up to where you want to steal my Cain," Emerson scowled at Theseus.

    "Yours? Yours?! He was mine long before he was yours! My brother! And what makes him so special to you anyway?!" Theseus snapped.

    Cain gasped, truly shocked by the venom in Theseus' voice and his obliviousness towards the hurtful things he was saying. Not to mention his half brother was acting like Cain wasn't sitting right there!

"Can you just shut your f*cking mouth for a second? Cain was never yours. I rescued him. I have loved and owned him for the past decade or whatever. I am his f*cking mate, god d*ammit!" Emerson fumed.

"You shut your pie hole! Owned?! Mate?! Since when?! Cain isn't even 18 yet! You don't know until then!" Theseus burst out.

"I'm 18. And he was my house cat. I didn't know he was were until my birthday a few weeks ago. He isn't going with you! He's mine, you hear me?" Emerson snarled.

"No! You are endangering the entire Moonstone Clan with this decision! You can't just do that!" Theseus yelled.

Emerson sat there, smoke practically curling out of his ears. He knew that he needed to come up with a sensible plan that worked for everyone, but he he too angry to think straight at the moment.

Cain twisted in his lap, facing Emerson. Emerson's watched, intrigued, as Cain used his hands, massaging Emerson's chest and arms. Emerson sighed, releasing his tensed muscles as Cain worked his magic. Cain offered him a small smile before pecking Emerson on the cheek, much to his delight.

    Theseus sat, watching in disgust. Emerson could tell that he obviously hated werewolves and absolutely loathed his little brother being so close to one. Emerson tugged Cain closer to his chest. After being calmed down by Cain, he could see the obvious solution to the problem.

    "Okay, I got it," Emerson said, Cain burying his head into the crook of Emerson's chest.

   "Whatever. What's your plan, Big Guy?" Theseus asked, completely disinterested.

   "So first, we need to take out your father before he stirs up any more trouble. Then, we return you to your pack," Emerson smiled slightly.

   "Wait- what about-" Theseus tried to question, but Emerson cut him off.

   "You be the leader of your clan. You obviously care about it. And then I keep my kitten."

   Finally, Cain spoke up, his quiet voice ringing as three words left his pink lips.

   "Let's do it."

    $$ I feel like the last line was a Home Depot ad or something... 😂 Sorry, that was mostly dialogue. But anyway... Thanks for all the love and support! 😍 $$

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